Android Client: Server could not be reached

I installed the ownCloud X (10.0.1) Trial Appliance and successfully configured it. The desktop app works flawless, beautifull as a matter fact.

I would also like to use the app of my android phone, but I can’t get it connected to the server installed on my local network, neither through IP nor local DNS name.

Can anyone shine some light?

Can you tell me what your servers ip address is? Or what is the address you are trying to connect with in your android app. And what error occurs?

I use IP-address which resolves by loacal DNS to fqdn kcloud.domainname.intranet

Android app message: Server could not be found.

Both when using fqdn or IP address

As far as I know the mobile Apps need the full URL to the ownCloud service like https://kcloud.domainname.intranet/owncloud.
A basic connectivity test would be to access the service through a webbrowser.
Further debugging would be to check if the connection attempt arrives in the Apache logs.


Thanks Dirk,

It works … I just missed the …/owncloud :slight_smile:

