Hey everybody, I have a frew problems with Collabora Online Development Edition.
I have installed the software on my ucs. everything was ok.
now I will add the ucs ca to next cloud. I use the following script
cat /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem |
docker exec -i “$(ucr get appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container)”
bash -c ‘cat >> var/www/html/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt’
in my terminal I received the following answer
Administrator@xo:~$ cd /
Administrator@xo:/$ cat /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem | \
docker exec -i “$(ucr get appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container)”
bash -c ‘cat >> var/www/html/resources/config/ca-bundle.crt’
-bash: ucr: Kommando nicht gefunden.
did any one as a solution ?