ADconnector AuthenticationFailed (12.0)

I have urgent problem with my adconnector after I reboot my server adconnector failed to connect
Here is problem log

 --- connect failed, failure was: ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/pyshared/univention/connector/ad/", line 303, in main
  File "/usr/share/pyshared/univention/connector/ad/", line 191, in connect
    baseConfig['%s/ad/listener/dir' % CONFIGBASENAME]
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/connector/ad/", line 837, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/connector/ad/", line 1034, in open_ad
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/connector/ad/", line 1012, in get_kerberos_ticket
    raise kerberosAuthenticationFailed('The following command failed: "%s"' % string.join(cmd_block))
kerberosAuthenticationFailed: The following command failed: "kinit --no-addresses --password-file=/etc/machine.secret email$"

 ---     retry in 30 seconds      ---

I search for solution but no luck I try to remove adconnector and reinstall again and still got same problem
Right now all users can not login in to OX Appsuite event my administrator user for management UCS can not login too I can only login by Root user but I can not manage any user
After I removed adconnector(By command) I still can not login UCS management by Administrator user (Using Root Password)
I follow this
But not work becasue I can not login administrator
How to login UCS management by using Administrator user after removed adconnector?
Or How to creat new user with Administrator policy?
If I can not resolve this problem is there any way to recover email, calendar, Drive and more in OX Appsuite?
Thank you
Best regards

Untill now I can’t resolve the problem so what I can do right now Because I need to recover our old email


according to the first logs there is a problem with the Kerberos authentication.
I’d check the availability of the KDC specified in /etc/krb5.conf. Also watch out for time differences between the Kerberos client (here: UCS) and the KDC.

