AD Users are not being synchronized/ created on UCS

Hi all,

my UCS Server stop suddenly to synchronize users from AD just 3 days ago. AD is still connected. I tried many troubleshooting but nothing could fix it. That’s why I would ask you for help. Logs are also not leading me to solution. Which information are needed for this case. some infos from logs:

22.11.2021 15:48:26.721 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=30487904)
22.11.2021 15:48:31.728 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNCreated>=30487904)
22.11.2021 15:48:31.729 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=30487904)
22.11.2021 15:48:36.735 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNCreated>=30487904)
22.11.2021 15:48:36.736 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=30487904)
22.11.2021 15:49:10.250 MAIN (------ ): DEBUG_INIT
22.11.2021 15:51:46.720 MAIN (------ ): DEBUG_INIT
The user can be found and I am getting this result when I doing ad-search:
root@ucs:~# univention-adsearch CN=‘John diff’ dn,usncreated,usnchanged,samaccountname
filter: CN=John diff
DN: CN=John diff,OU=KLM,OU=Mitarbeiter,OU=Benutzer,OU=FLUG,DC=FLUG,DC=com
uSNChanged: 30303776
uSNCreated: 30052938
sAMAccountName: jdi

results: 1

and also with this command getting that user is found:
univention-adsearch cn=‘John diff’

But the user ist not been created and no home directory for this user. Even wehen we are making Windows login for the shared partition, the error I get “permisson denied”.

same case:
