Ad-Takeover Value may not change: key=gidNumber old=None new=513

Hi, performing an AdTakeover I get in the file /var/log/univention/connector-s4.log for all entries:

01/10/2021 11: 56: 13.245 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [user] [add] u’uid = sxx, CN = Users, dc = yy, dc = zz, dc = it ’
10.01.2021 11: 56: 14.247 LDAP (ERROR): Value may not change: key = gidNumber old = None new = 513 (u’uid = sxx, CN = Users, dc = yy, dc = zz, dc = it ’ )

root @ ucsdc: / var / log / univention # univention-s4search samAccountName = sxx

record 1

dn: CN = sxx, CN = Users, DC = yy, DC = zz, DC = it
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: sxx
sn: xx
o: orgname
ou: nameofou
givenName: s
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20210109194300.0Z
whenChanged: 20210109212306.0Z
displayName: XX S
uSNCreated: 10599
uSNChanged: 10599
employeeNumber: 216080
name: S
objectGUID: 47e686dd-43b6-4c50-9f62-024b2c6a71df
userAccountControl: 512
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
homeDrive: S:
logonHours :: ////////////////////////////
pwdLastSet: 132487976130000000
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid: S-1-5-21-2201364573-426607711-3969381345-4752
accountExpires: 137919572470000000
sAMAccountName: sxx
sAMAccountType: 805306368
objectCategory: CN = Person, CN = Schema, CN = Configuration, DC = xx, DC = zz, DC = it
msSFU30NisDomain: xx
uidNumber: 2876
gidNumber: 513
unixHomeDirectory: / home / sxx
loginShell: / sbin / nologin
distinguishedName: CN = sxx, CN = Users, DC = xx, DC = zz, DC = it

what am I doing wrong?


Hi, I had to add in the attributes to exclude: gidNumber

ucr set connector/s4/mapping/user/attributes/ignorelist=gidNumber
