AD takeover issues

I tried perform an AD takeover. It seemed to work, but in the end no users show up in UCS. We see them in the AD on UCS, but it says:

01.05.2022 22:05:09.191 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: Resync rejected dn: CN=xxx ,CN=Users,DC=doman,DC=local
01.05.2022 22:05:09.196 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ add] u’uid=xxx,CN=Users,dc=domain,dc=local’
01.05.2022 22:05:09.463 LDAP (ERROR ): InvalidSyntax: Unix home directory: Not an absolute path! (u’uid=xxx,CN=Users,dc=domain,dc=local’)

Is there a special path we should use before takeover? Or something to change for each user after in AD on UCS.

I tried to use copy2right as well and have the same issue. Loads into UCS AD, but the same error above.

