AD Connector: Changing Group mail address update mail but not proxyAddresses?


We’re replicating in write mode from UCS to an AD with the AD connector and have come across the following thing and would like to (possibly) hear from others if we’re hitting a bug or a configuration issue:

The following UCR variables are enabled: connector/ad/mapping/user/primarymail, connector/ad/mapping/group/primarymail

Creating users or groups with an address correctly updates mail and proxyAddresses (SMTP:).

When we update a users’ mail address in UCS, it gets propagated to both AD attributes. In the case of groups the change to proxyAddresses seems (after a couple of tests) to only get updated at creation of a group, but never again during any later modification. The first entry “SMTP:” remains “stuck” on the first value of mailPrimaryAddress given set on a group and never gets updated again in later modifications.