Access to samba shares via vpn


I have installed a ucs 4.3 (master) as samba4-ad with windows-shares. The rights for access the shares is set in UMC. For my projekt share:

ownder = root:technik
Mod = 770

All users who are in group technik can read/write to the share. All the clients from this users are member in the domain.

Now I have connect a remote user via vpn. The pc ist not a domain-member but I have create a user of the client and the server with same username/password compination.

When I try to connect the share I get a “permission denied”. To test I have set the mode from the share to 777 and it works but it is insecure.

How can I connect the external pc correctly and without making the share unsafe?

with best


about that user you created on the server:

  • Where did you create it (in the LDAP or directly on the server with e.g. the useradd or adduser command)?
  • Is that user a member of the group technik?

Kind regards

In the UMC -> User&Groups -> Add

On the Server “yes” On the Client this group dosn’t exist
