5.0 instaleld ok , but when i check for sotware upgades it says there are not any

I have two 5.0 installations.

one is on eratta 164 and upgrades fine
the other is still on base 5.0

checking the “updater.log” in var/log/univention
shows this:

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 5.0-0 errata0

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: none
Checking for release updates: none

my other system show this:

Starting univention-upgrade. Current UCS version is 5.0-0 errata164

Checking for package updates: none
Checking for app updates: none
Checking for release updates: none

Ok found it…

for some reason “root” was not the same PW as “administrator”

logging in as “administrator” into ssh ,then resetting the root PW to match
and a complete reboot brought the system back on line.

clearly the package update is using root , but not logging any errors
