2nd name or initial in user profile

I’m trying to find a way to add an additional first-name or initial, as usual in english speaking countries, added to the user profile mask.
First attempt to use LDAP custom attributes failed, but maybe I’ve made a mistake

Does anybody know, how to add an “initial” field to the user profile by default?


did you check Free Attributes in UCS? Please have a look at 4.8. Erweiterung von UMC-Modulen mit erweiterten Attributen — Univention Corporate Server - Handbuch für Benutzer und Administratoren


Yes, did this already and ca find the field “Initial” in the “User defined” section.
The challenge is, that I like to have the “Initial”, or 2nd Name, on the “General” section between first- and lastname.
Any way to maintain this pre-defined “General” section anyhow?

Where do you want to use this additional first-name?
Is it for login Name Displaying on Windows login ?


Yes, mainly for this purpose.

Then put all to Display Name - its what is displayed there
