Samba4 DC-Master funktioniert nicht

mein DC-Master hat ein massives Problem mit Samba. Zuerst habe ich bemerkt Das die Anmeldung an Nagios nicht mehr funktioniert. Bei der Fehlersuche habe ich endeckt das 2 Joinscripte ausstehend sind

97univention-s4-connector ausstehend
98univention-samba4-dns ausstehend

Die Joinscripte ausführen funktioniert nicht. Mit den Fehlern im Logfile konnte ich nichts anfangen, deshalb habe ich versucht über die Console weiterzukommen, mit folgenden Ergebniss:

root@thhoe108:~# samba-tool drs kcc
Could not find machine account in secrets database: Failed to fetch machine account password for THHOE from both secrets.ldb (Could not find entry to match filter: ‘(&(flatname=THHOE)(objectclass=primaryDomain))’ base: ‘cn=Primary Domains’: No such object: dsdb_search at …/source4/dsdb/common/util.c:4576) and from /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb: NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO
Failed to connect host on port 135 - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Failed to connect host (thhoe108.thhoe.lan) on port 135 - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
Failed to connect host on port 1024 - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Failed to connect host (thhoe108.thhoe.lan) on port 1024 - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
ERROR(<class ‘samba.drs_utils.drsException’>): DRS connection to thhoe108.thhoe.lan failed - drsException: DRS connection to thhoe108.thhoe.lan failed: (-1073741790, ‘Access denied’)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/”, line 41, in drsuapi_connect
(ctx.drsuapi, ctx.drsuapi_handle, ctx.bind_supported_extensions) = drs_utils.drsuapi_connect(ctx.server, ctx.lp, ctx.creds)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/”, line 54, in drsuapi_connect
raise drsException(“DRS connection to %s failed: %s” % (server, e))

Daraufhin habe ich alle Joinscripte neu ausgeführt. Das hat aber keine Veränderung gebracht.

Was kann ich machen um das zu reparieren?



das sieht schon sehr kaputt aus. Sie können versuchen, das Samba4 komplett neu provisionieren zu lassen. Dabei wird der aktuelle Inhalt der Samba4-Dateien weggeworfen und aus den Daten im OpenLDAP neu erzeugt.

Univention hat einen Knowledge-Base-Artikel geschrieben, wie man das machen kann.

Vorher sinnvollerweise ein Vollbackup des Servers erstellen.



aber vielleicht jemand anderes hier :slight_smile:

Hier die Logeinträge:

univention-run-join-scripts started
Di 17. Okt 10:17:58 CEST 2017
RUNNING 97univention-s4-connector.inst
2017-10-17 10:17:58.758134005+02:00 (in joinscript_init)
17.10.17 10:18:00.167 DEBUG_INIT
UNIVENTION_DEBUG_BEGIN : uldap.__open host=thhoe108.thhoe.lan port=7389 base=dc=thhoe,dc=lan
UNIVENTION_DEBUG_END : uldap.__open host=thhoe108.thhoe.lan port=7389 base=dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Not updating connector/s4/ldap/host
Not updating connector/s4/ldap/base
Not updating connector/s4/ldap/ssl
Not updating connector/s4/mapping/group/language
Not updating connector/s4/ldap/protocol
Not updating connector/s4/ldap/socket
Object exists: cn=gPLink,cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=Builtin,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=System,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=Policies,cn=System,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: ou=Domain Controllers,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=WMIPolicy,cn=System,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=SOM,cn=WMIPolicy,cn=System,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Object exists: cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object msgpo.
INFO: No change of core data of object mswmi.
Object exists: cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object container/msgpo.
No modification: cn=msgpo,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
No modification: cn=mswmi,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
No modification: cn=container/msgpo,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Waiting for activation of the extension object msgpo: OK
Waiting for activation of the extension object mswmi: OK
Waiting for activation of the extension object container/msgpo: OK
Waiting for file /usr/share/pyshared/univention/admin/handlers/container/ OK
Terminating running univention-cli-server processes.
Object exists: cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object settings/mswmifilter.
No modification: cn=settings/mswmifilter,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Waiting for activation of the extension object settings/mswmifilter: OK
Waiting for file /usr/share/pyshared/univention/admin/handlers/settings/ OK
Terminating running univention-cli-server processes.
Object exists: cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object msprintconnectionpolicy.
Object exists: cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
INFO: No change of core data of object settings/msprintconnectionpolicy.
No modification: cn=msprintconnectionpolicy,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
No modification: cn=settings/msprintconnectionpolicy,cn=udm_module,cn=univention,dc=thhoe,dc=lan
Waiting for activation of the extension object msprintconnectionpolicy: OK
Waiting for activation of the extension object settings/msprintconnectionpolicy: OK
Waiting for file /usr/share/pyshared/univention/admin/handlers/settings/ OK
Terminating running univention-cli-server processes.
Samba4 does not seem to be provisioned, exiting /usr/lib/univention-install/97univention-s4-connector.inst
RUNNING 98univention-samba4-dns.inst
2017-10-17 10:18:15.128844852+02:00 (in joinscript_init)
Samba4 backend database not available yet, exiting joinscript 98univention-samba4-dns.
Di 17. Okt 10:18:16 CEST 2017
univention-run-join-scripts finished

Das Vorgehen mach den Knowledge-Base-Artikel hat nichts gebracht.
Als letztes kommt

root@thhoe108:~# ldbedit -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb CN=“RID Set” -b CN="$(ucr get hostname),OU=Domain Controllers,$(ucr get ldap/base)"
no matching records - cannot edit

Das klingt nicht so richtig gut. Ggf. ist das ursprüngliche Problem ein fehlgeschlagenes Server Password Change:
Manually trigger server password change

Ansonsten mal die Ausgabe hiervon posten (das sind Skripte, welche den Zustand des Servers testen):

curl -OOs{,.gpg}
gpgv --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/univention-archive-key-ucs-4x.gpg \
     univention-system-check.tar.gz.gpg univention-system-check.tar.gz && \
tar -xzf  univention-system-check.tar.gz

python ./univention-system-check


ich konnte mich die letzten Tage nicht melden. Letzte Woche habe ich noch ein Backup eingespielt, habe damit aber immer noch Probleme.
Das Password habe ich geändert. Im Log steht: “Modified 1 records successfully
Changed password OK”

running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [basic] - OK -
running [dns] - OK -
running [dns] - OK -
running [listener] - OK -
running [listener] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - FAILED -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -
running [samba] - OK -

Bei der Fehlerdiagnose über UMC kommt Kerperos nicht erreichbar. Welcher Test wird da aufgerufen?


Habe eine Zeile Vergessen:

Test failed: univention-system-check.d/samba/, Impact: SID mismatch between ucs and samba my cause permission problems

Ein paar weitere Befehle zur Eingrenzung des Problems:

univention-s4search -s base dn
samba-tool processes
nmap $(hostname)
testparm -vs

Gibt es mehrere Samba DCs in der Umgebung?


der fehler stellt sich mitlerweile anders dar.

root@thhoe108:~# samba-tool drs kcc
Consistency check on thhoe108.thhoe.lan successful.

In der UMC bei der Systemfehlerdiagnose kommt:

Die folgenden KDCs waren nicht erreichbar: tcp thhoe108.thhoe.lan:88, udp thhoe108.thhoe.lan:88 Keine erreichbaren KDCs gefunden.
root@thhoe108:~# univention-s4search -s base dn
# record 1
dn: DC=thhoe,DC=lan

# returned 1 records
# 1 entries
# 0 referrals
root@thhoe108:~# samba-tool processes
 Service:                PID
dnsupdate               1128
cldap_server            1120
rpc_server            18446744073709551615
winbind_server          1133
wrepl_server            1117
kdc_server              1121
notify-daemon           1173
ldap_server             1118
ldap_server             1118
kccsrv                  1126
samba                   1126
dreplsrv                1122
root@thhoe108:~# nmap $(hostname)

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-10-26 08:23 CEST
Nmap scan report for thhoe108 (
Host is up (0.000010s latency).
rDNS record for thhoe108.thhoe.lan
Not shown: 980 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
42/tcp   open  nameserver
53/tcp   open  domain
80/tcp   open  http
88/tcp   open  kerberos-sec
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
135/tcp  open  msrpc
139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
389/tcp  open  ldap
443/tcp  open  https
445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
464/tcp  open  kpasswd5
636/tcp  open  ldapssl
749/tcp  open  kerberos-adm
1024/tcp open  kdm
1025/tcp open  NFS-or-IIS
3268/tcp open  globalcatLDAP
3269/tcp open  globalcatLDAPssl
5666/tcp open  nrpe
6669/tcp open  irc

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.15 seconds
root@thhoe108:~# univention-s4connector-list-rejected

UCS rejected

S4 rejected

There may be no rejected DNs if the connector is in progress, to be
sure stop the connector before running this script.

        last synced USN: 5126

root@thhoe108:~# testparm -vs
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[netlogon]"
Processing section "[sysvol]"
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.


# Global parameters
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        config backend = file
        dos charset = CP850
        enable core files = Yes
        interfaces = lo eth0
        multicast dns register = Yes
        netbios aliases =
        netbios name = THHOE108
        netbios scope =
        realm = THHOE.LAN
        server services = s3fs, rpc, wrepl, ldap, cldap, kdc, drepl, winbindd, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate
        server string = Univention Corporate Server
        share backend = classic
        unix charset = UTF-8
        workgroup = THHOE
        browse list = Yes
        domain master = Yes
        enhanced browsing = Yes
        lm announce = Auto
        lm interval = 60
        local master = Yes
        os level = 20
        preferred master = Yes
        allow dns updates = secure only
        dns forwarder =
        dns update command = /usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate
        machine password timeout = 0
        nsupdate command = /usr/bin/nsupdate -g
        rndc command = /usr/sbin/rndc
        spn update command = /usr/sbin/samba_spnupdate
        mangle prefix = 1
        mangling method = hash2
        max stat cache size = 256
        stat cache = Yes
        client ldap sasl wrapping = sign
        ldap admin dn =
        ldap connection timeout = 2
        ldap delete dn = No
        ldap deref = auto
        ldap follow referral = Auto
        ldap group suffix =
        ldap idmap suffix =
        ldap machine suffix =
        ldap page size = 1000
        ldap passwd sync = no
        ldap replication sleep = 1000
        ldap server require strong auth = allow_sasl_over_tls
        ldap ssl = start tls
        ldap ssl ads = No
        ldap suffix =
        ldap timeout = 15
        ldap user suffix =
        lock spin time = 200
        oplock break wait time = 0
        smb2 leases = Yes
        debug class = No
        debug hires timestamp = Yes
        debug pid = Yes
        debug prefix timestamp = No
        debug uid = No
        ldap debug level = 0
        ldap debug threshold = 10
        log file =
        logging = file
        log level = 2
        max log size = 0
        syslog = 1
        syslog only = No
        timestamp logs = Yes
        abort shutdown script =
        add group script =
        add machine script =
        add user script =
        add user to group script =
        allow nt4 crypto = No
        delete group script =
        delete user from group script =
        delete user script =
        domain logons = No
        enable privileges = Yes
        init logon delay = 100
        init logon delayed hosts =
        logon drive = U:
        logon home = \\thhoe106\%U
        logon path = \\thhoe106\%U\windows-profiles\%a
        logon script =
        reject md5 clients = No
        set primary group script =
        shutdown script =
        add share command =
        afs token lifetime = 604800
        afs username map =
        allow insecure wide links = No
        async smb echo handler = No
        auto services =
        cache directory = /var/cache/samba
        change notify = Yes
        change share command =
        cluster addresses =
        clustering = No
        config file =
        ctdbd socket =
        ctdb locktime warn threshold = 0
        ctdb timeout = 0
        default service =
        delete share command =
        homedir map = auto.home
        kernel change notify = Yes
        lock directory = /var/run/samba
        log writeable files on exit = No
        message command =
        nbt client socket address =
        ncalrpc dir = /var/run/samba/ncalrpc
        NIS homedir = No
        nmbd bind explicit broadcast = Yes
        panic action =
        perfcount module =
        pid directory = /var/run/samba
        registry shares = No
        remote announce =
        remote browse sync =
        reset on zero vc = No
        smbd profiling level = off
        state directory = /var/lib/samba
        usershare allow guests = No
        usershare max shares = 0
        usershare owner only = Yes
        usershare path = /var/lib/samba/usershares
        usershare prefix allow list =
        usershare prefix deny list =
        usershare template share =
        utmp = No
        utmp directory =
        wtmp directory =
        addport command =
        addprinter command =
        cups connection timeout = 30
        cups encrypt = No
        cups server =
        deleteprinter command =
        disable spoolss = No
        enumports command =
        iprint server =
        load printers = Yes
        lpq cache time = 30
        os2 driver map =
        printcap cache time = 750
        printcap name =
        show add printer wizard = Yes
        cldap port = 389
        client ipc max protocol = default
        client ipc min protocol = default
        client max protocol = default
        client min protocol = CORE
        client use spnego = Yes
        dcerpc endpoint servers = epmapper, wkssvc, rpcecho, samr, netlogon, lsarpc, drsuapi, dssetup, unixinfo, browser, eventlog6, backupkey, dnsserver
        defer sharing violations = Yes
        dgram port = 138
        disable netbios = No
        enable asu support = No
        eventlog list =
        large readwrite = Yes
        lsa over netlogon = No
        max mux = 50
        max ttl = 259200
        max wins ttl = 518400
        max xmit = 65535
        min receivefile size = 0
        min wins ttl = 21600
        name resolve order = wins host bcast
        nbt port = 137
        nt pipe support = Yes
        nt status support = Yes
        read raw = Yes
        rpc big endian = No
        rpc server port = 0
        server max protocol = SMB3
        server min protocol = LANMAN1
        server multi channel support = No
        smb2 max credits = 8192
        smb2 max read = 8388608
        smb2 max trans = 8388608
        smb2 max write = 8388608
        smb ports = 445 139
        svcctl list =
        time server = No
        unicode = Yes
        unix extensions = Yes
        use spnego = Yes
        web port = 901
        write raw = Yes
        algorithmic rid base = 1000
        allow dcerpc auth level connect = No
        allow trusted domains = Yes
        auth methods =
        check password script =
        client ipc signing = default
        client lanman auth = No
        client NTLMv2 auth = Yes
        client plaintext auth = No
        client schannel = Auto
        client signing = default
        client use spnego principal = No
        dedicated keytab file =
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        guest account = nobody
        kerberos encryption types = all
        kerberos method = default
        kpasswd port = 464
        krb5 port = 88
        lanman auth = No
        log nt token command =
        map to guest = Bad User
        map untrusted to domain = No
        ntlm auth = Yes
        ntp signd socket directory = /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd
        null passwords = No
        obey pam restrictions = Yes
        old password allowed period = 60
        pam password change = No
        passdb backend = samba_dsdb
        passdb expand explicit = No
        passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Re-enter*new*password* %n\n *password*changed*
        passwd chat debug = No
        passwd chat timeout = 2
        passwd program =
        password hash gpg key ids =
        password server = *
        preload modules =
        private dir = /var/lib/samba/private
        raw NTLMv2 auth = No
        rename user script =
        restrict anonymous = 0
        root directory =
        samba kcc command = /usr/sbin/samba_kcc
        security = AUTO
        server role = active directory domain controller
        server schannel = Auto
        server signing = default
        smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
        tls cafile = /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem
        tls certfile = /etc/univention/ssl/thhoe108.thhoe.lan/cert.pem
        tls crlfile =
        tls dh params file =
        tls enabled = Yes
        tls keyfile = /etc/univention/ssl/thhoe108.thhoe.lan/private.key
        tls priority = NORMAL:-VERS-SSL3.0
        tls verify peer = ca_and_name
        unix password sync = No
        username level = 0
        username map =
        username map cache time = 0
        username map script =
        aio max threads = 100
        deadtime = 15
        getwd cache = Yes
        hostname lookups = No
        keepalive = 300
        max disk size = 0
        max open files = 32808
        max smbd processes = 0
        name cache timeout = 660
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY
        use mmap = Yes
        get quota command =
        host msdfs = Yes
        set quota command =
        create krb5 conf = Yes
        idmap backend = tdb
        idmap cache time = 604800
        idmap gid =
        idmap negative cache time = 120
        idmap uid =
        include system krb5 conf = Yes
        neutralize nt4 emulation = No
        reject md5 servers = No
        require strong key = Yes
        template homedir = /home/%D-%U
        template shell = /bin/bash
        winbind cache time = 300
        winbindd privileged socket directory = /var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged
        winbindd socket directory = /var/run/samba/winbindd
        winbind enum groups = No
        winbind enum users = No
        winbind expand groups = 0
        winbind max clients = 200
        winbind max domain connections = 1
        winbind nested groups = Yes
        winbind normalize names = No
        winbind nss info = template
        winbind offline logon = No
        winbind reconnect delay = 30
        winbind refresh tickets = No
        winbind request timeout = 60
        winbind rpc only = No
        winbind sealed pipes = Yes
        winbind separator = +
        winbind trusted domains only = No
        winbind use default domain = No
        dns proxy = Yes
        wins hook =
        wins proxy = No
        wins server =
        wins support = Yes
        rpc_server:tcpip = no
        rpc_daemon:spoolssd = embedded
        rpc_server:spoolss = embedded
        rpc_server:winreg = embedded
        rpc_server:ntsvcs = embedded
        rpc_server:eventlog = embedded
        rpc_server:srvsvc = embedded
        rpc_server:svcctl = embedded
        rpc_server:default = external
        winbindd:use external pipes = true
        acl:search = no
        spoolss: architecture = Windows x64
        idmap config * : range = 300000-400000
        kccsrv:samba_kcc = False
        dsdb:schema update allowed = no
        nmbd_proxy_logon:cldap_server =
        server role check:inhibit = yes
        idmap config * : backend = tdb
        comment =
        path =
        administrative share = No
        browseable = Yes
        case sensitive = Auto
        default case = lower
        delete veto files = No
        hide dot files = Yes
        hide files =
        hide special files = No
        hide unreadable = No
        hide unwriteable files = No
        mangled names = Yes
        mangling char = ~
        map archive = No
        map hidden = No
        map readonly = no
        map system = No
        preserve case = Yes
        short preserve case = Yes
        store dos attributes = Yes
        veto files =
        veto oplock files =
        blocking locks = Yes
        csc policy = manual
        fake oplocks = No
        kernel oplocks = Yes
        kernel share modes = Yes
        level2 oplocks = Yes
        locking = Yes
        oplock contention limit = 2
        oplocks = Yes
        posix locking = Yes
        strict locking = Auto
        acl xattr update mtime = No
        afs share = No
        available = Yes
        copy =
        delete readonly = No
        dfree cache time = 0
        dfree command =
        directory name cache size = 100
        dmapi support = No
        dont descend =
        dos filemode = No
        dos filetime resolution = No
        dos filetimes = Yes
        fake directory create times = No
        follow symlinks = Yes
        fstype = NTFS
        include = /etc/samba/base.conf
        magic output =
        magic script =
        postexec =
        preexec =
        preexec close = No
        root postexec =
        root preexec =
        root preexec close = No
        spotlight = No
        volume =
        wide links = No
        cups options =
        default devmode = Yes
        force printername = No
        lppause command =
        lpq command = %p
        lpresume command =
        lprm command =
        max print jobs = 1000
        max reported print jobs = 0
        printable = No
        print command =
        printer name =
        printing = cups
        printjob username = %U
        print notify backchannel = No
        queuepause command =
        queueresume command =
        use client driver = No
        acl allow execute always = Yes
        acl check permissions = Yes
        acl map full control = Yes
        durable handles = Yes
        ea support = No
        map acl inherit = No
        nt acl support = Yes
        profile acls = No
        access based share enum = No
        acl group control = No
        admin users = administrator join-backup
        create mask = 0744
        directory mask = 0755
        force create mode = 0000
        force directory mode = 0000
        force group =
        force unknown acl user = No
        force user =
        guest ok = No
        guest only = No
        hosts allow =
        hosts deny =
        inherit acls = No
        inherit owner = no
        inherit permissions = No
        invalid users =
        read list =
        read only = Yes
        smb encrypt = default
        valid users =
        write list =
        aio read size = 0
        aio write behind =
        aio write size = 0
        allocation roundup size = 1048576
        block size = 1024
        max connections = 0
        min print space = 0
        strict allocate = No
        strict rename = No
        strict sync = No
        sync always = No
        use sendfile = No
        write cache size = 0
        msdfs proxy =
        msdfs root = No
        msdfs shuffle referrals = No
        ntvfs handler = unixuid, default
        vfs objects = dfs_samba4 acl_xattr

        comment = Domain logon service
        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/thhoe.lan/scripts
        case sensitive = No
        read only = No

        path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
        case sensitive = No
        acl xattr update mtime = Yes
        read only = No

        comment = Heimatverzeichnisse
        browseable = No
        create mask = 0700
        directory mask = 0700
        read only = No
        vfs objects = acl_xattr

        comment = Drucker
        path = /tmp
        browseable = No
        printable = Yes
        create mask = 0700

        comment = Printer Drivers
        path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
        read only = No
        write list = root Administrator @Printer-Admins

Es gibt einen DC-Backup thhoe105.



sind die Join-Skripte jetzt durchgelaufen?
-> univention-check-join-status

Kann man sich mit dem Maschinen-Konto am Samba (Kerberos) anmelden?
-> kinit --password-file=/etc/machine.secret $(hostname)$

Diese Fehler wird geworfen, wenn der folgende Test schief geht. Wie ist die Ausgabe von:
-> ldbsearch -H tdb:///var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -b DC=thhoe,DC=lan -s base dn

