aus syslog: Sep 23 20:35:33 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: no user given Sep 23 20:35:33 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: DEBUG:univention.portal.user:no user given Sep 23 20:35:38 ucs-mail systemd[1]: systemd-fsckd.service: Succeeded. Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: searching user for cookies={'UMCLang': 'de-DE', 'UMCSessionId': '917f93c8-41eb-4f48-bdc9-e6279b56b6f1'} Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: DEBUG:univention.portal.user:searching user for cookies={'UMCLang': 'de-DE', 'UMCSessionId': '917f93c8-41eb-4f48-bdc9-e6279b56b6f1'} Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: request failed: HTTP 404: Not Found Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: ERROR:univention.portal.user:request failed: HTTP 404: Not Found Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: no user found Sep 23 20:35:39 ucs-mail univention-portal-server[1405]: DEBUG:univention.portal.user:no user found und Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 Sep 23 20:39:01 ucs-mail sessionclean[3887]: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 aus server.log: Fri Sep 23 20:21:13 2022: [error ] KDatabase::DoSelect(): query failed: "MYSQL not initialized", query: SELECT change_id,sourcekey,sync_type FROM syncs WHERE id=1 FOR UPDATE Fri Sep 23 20:21:13 2022: [warning] SQL [00000000] info: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2). Reconnecting. aus search.log: 2022-09-23 20:21:13,137 - search - ERROR - Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kopano/", line 103, in log_exc try: yield File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kopano_search/", line 426, in incremental_sync new_state = self.server.sync(importer, self.state, log=self.log) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kopano/", line 866, in sync return _ics.sync(self, self.mapistore, importer, state, max_changes, window=window, begin=begin, end=end, stats=stats) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kopano/", line 253, in sync exporter.Config(stream, flags, importer, restriction, None, None, 0) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/", line 1903, in Config return _MAPICore.IExchangeExportChanges_Config(self, lpStream, ulFlags, lpUnk, lpRestriction, lpIncludeProps, lpExcludeProps, ulBufferSize) MAPI.Struct.MAPIErrorDiskError: MAPI error 80040116 (MAPI_E_DISK_ERROR) aus mail.err: Sep 24 10:46:52 ucs-mail fetchmail[1215]: Nachricht von 1 wird gelesen (17143 Bytes) (Log-Meldung unvollständig) Sep 24 10:46:52 ucs-mail fetchmail[1215]: SMTP-Verbindung zu localhost fehlgeschlagen Sep 24 10:46:52 ucs-mail fetchmail[1215]: SMTP-Transaktion-Fehler beim Abholen von und Auslieferung zum SMTP-Host localhost Sep 24 10:39:01 ucs-mail postfix/cleanup[5365]: fatal: /etc/postfix/ldap.groups: bad numerical configuration: timeout = mail_postfix_ldap_timeout Webapp-URL: destroy(); $location = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/').'/'; header('Location: ' . $location . ($username?'?user='.rawurlencode($username):''), true, 303); die(); } // Check if an action GET-parameter was sent with the request. // This parameter is set when the webapp was opened by clicking on // a mailto: link in the browser. // If so, we will store it in the session, so we can use it later. if ( isset($_GET['action']) && !empty($_GET['action']) ) { storeURLDataToSession(); } // Check if the continue parameter was set. This will be set e.g. when someone // uses the WebApp to login to another application with OpenID Connect. if ( isset($_GET['continue']) && !empty($_GET['continue']) && !isset($_GET['wacontinue']) ) { $_SESSION['continue'] = $_GET['continue']; } $webappTitle = defined('WEBAPP_TITLE') && WEBAPP_TITLE ? WEBAPP_TITLE : 'Kopano WebApp'; if ( isset($_GET['oidclogin']) ) { $theme = Theming::getActiveTheme(); $favicon = getFavicon($theme); // Redirect to interactive sign in page. include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/oidc-login.php'); die(); } // Try to authenticate the user WebAppAuthentication::authenticate(); // If we could not authenticate the user, we will show the login page if ( !WebAppAuthentication::isAuthenticated() ) { // Get language from the cookie, or from the language that is set by the admin $Language = new Language(); $lang = isset($_COOKIE['lang']) ? $_COOKIE['lang'] : LANG; $lang = $Language->resolveLanguage($lang); $Language->setLanguage($lang); // If GET parameter 'load' is defined, we defer handling to the load.php script if ( isset($_GET['load']) && $_GET['load']!=='logon' ) { include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/load.php'); die(); } // Set some template variables for the login page $branch = DEBUG_LOADER===LOAD_SOURCE ? gitversion() : ''; $version = 'WebApp ' . trim(file_get_contents('version')); $user = sanitizeGetValue('user', '', USERNAME_REGEX); $url = '?logon'; if ( isset($_GET["logout"]) && $_GET["logout"]=="auto" ) { $error = _("You have been automatically logged out"); } else { $error = WebAppAuthentication::getErrorMessage(); if(empty($error) && useSecureCookies() && getRequestProtocol() == 'http') { header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"); include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/BadRequest.php'); error_log("Rejected insecure request as configuration for 'SECURE_COOKIES' is true."); die(); } } // If a username was passed as GET parameter we will prefill the username input // of the login form with it. $user = isset($_GET['user']) ? htmlentities($_GET['user']) : ''; // Lets add a header when login failed (DeskApp needs it to identify failed login attempts) if ( WebAppAuthentication::getErrorCode() !== NOERROR ) { header("X-Zarafa-Hresult: " . get_mapi_error_name(WebAppAuthentication::getErrorCode())); } // Set a template variable for the favicon of the login, welcome, and webclient page $theme = Theming::getActiveTheme(); $favicon = getFavicon(Theming::getActiveTheme()); // Include the login template if (OIDC_ISS === "") { include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/login.php'); } else { include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/oidc.php'); } die(); } // The user is authenticated! Let's get ready to start the webapp. // Check if we need to redirect the user after login (e.g. when using the WebApp // to login to another application with OIDC). if ( isset($_SESSION['continue']) ) { $continue = $_SESSION['continue']; unset($_SESSION['continue']); if ( isContinueRedirectAllowed($continue) ) { // Add the parameter 'wacontinue' to make sure we will not keep redirecting // to ourself. $continue = explode('#', $continue); if ( strpos($continue[0], '?') === false ) { $continue[0] .= '?'; } else { $continue[0] .= '&'; } $continue[0] .= 'wacontinue'; $continue = implode('#', $continue); header('Location: ' . $continue , true, 302); die(); } } // If the user just logged in or if url data was stored in the session, // we will redirect to make sure that a browser refresh will not post // the credentials again, and that the url data is taken away from the // url in the address bar (so a browser refresh will not pass them again) if ( WebAppAuthentication::isUsingLoginForm() || isset($_GET['action']) && !empty($_GET['action']) ) { $location = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/').'/'; header('Location: ' . $location , true, 303); die(); } // TODO: we could replace all references to $GLOBALS['mapisession'] // with WebAppAuthentication::getMapiSession(), that way we would // lose at least one GLOBAL (because globals suck) $GLOBALS['mapisession'] = WebAppAuthentication::getMapiSession(); // Instantiate Plugin Manager and init the plugins (btw: globals suck) $GLOBALS['PluginManager'] = new PluginManager(ENABLE_PLUGINS); $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->detectPlugins(DISABLED_PLUGINS_LIST); // Initialize plugins and prevent any output which might be written as // plugins might be uncleanly output white-space and other stuff. We must // not allow this here as it can destroy the response data. ob_start(); $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->initPlugins(DEBUG_LOADER); ob_end_clean(); $Language = new Language(); // Create globals settings object (btw: globals suck) $GLOBALS["settings"] = new Settings($Language); // Create global operations object $GLOBALS["operations"] = new Operations(); // When OIDC is configured, check default store is // accessible by the available session object. In case // of failure redirect to oidc.php template page. for more // refer KW-3598. if (OIDC_ISS !== "") { if (WebAppAuthentication::isDefaultStoreAccessible() === false) { include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/oidc.php'); die(); } } // If webapp feature is not enabled for the user, // we will show the login page with appropriated error message. if($GLOBALS['mapisession']->isWebappDisableAsFeature()) { header("X-Zarafa-Hresult: " . get_mapi_error_name(MAPI_E_WEBAPP_FEATURE_DISABLED)); $error = _("Sorry, access to WebApp is not available with this user account. Please contact your system administrator."); // Set some template variables for the login page $user = sanitizeGetValue('user', '', USERNAME_REGEX); $url = '?logon'; // Set a template variable for the favicon of the login, welcome, and webclient page $theme = Theming::getActiveTheme(); $favicon = getFavicon(Theming::getActiveTheme()); $webappSession->destroy(); // Include the login template include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/login.php'); die(); } // Set session settings (language & style) foreach($GLOBALS["settings"]->getSessionSettings($Language) as $key=>$value) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } // close the PHP session, to not block other requests going through index.php session_write_close(); // Get language from the request, or the session, or the user settings, or the config if (isset($_REQUEST["language"]) && $Language->is_language($_REQUEST["language"])) { $lang = $_REQUEST["language"]; $GLOBALS["settings"]->set("zarafa/v1/main/language", $lang); } else if(isset($_SESSION["lang"])) { $lang = $_SESSION["lang"]; $GLOBALS["settings"]->set("zarafa/v1/main/language", $lang); } else { $lang = $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/main/language"); if (empty($lang)) { $lang = LANG; $GLOBALS["settings"]->set("zarafa/v1/main/language", $lang); } } $Language->setLanguage($lang); setcookie('lang', $lang, 0, '/', '', getRequestProtocol() === 'https'); // add extra header header("X-Zarafa: " . trim(file_get_contents('version'))); // Set a template variable for the favicon of the login, welcome, and webclient page $theme = Theming::getActiveTheme(); $favicon = getFavicon(Theming::getActiveTheme()); $hideFavorites = $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/contexts/hierarchy/hide_favorites") ? 'hideFavorites' : ''; $scrollFavorites = $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/contexts/hierarchy/scroll_favorites") ? 'scrollFavorites' : ''; $unreadBorders = $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/main/unread_borders") ? 'k-unreadborders' : ''; // If GET parameter 'load' is defined, we defer handling to the load.php script if ( isset($_GET['load']) ) { include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/load.php'); die(); } if (ENABLE_WELCOME_SCREEN && $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/main/show_welcome") !== false) { // These hooks are defined twice (also when there is a "load" argument supplied) $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->triggerHook("server.index.load.welcome.before"); include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/welcome.php'); $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->triggerHook("server.index.load.welcome.after"); } else { // Set the show_welcome to false, so that when the admin is changing the // ENABLE_WELCOME_SCREEN option to false after some time, the users who are already // using the WebApp are not bothered with the Welcome Screen. $GLOBALS["settings"]->set("zarafa/v1/main/show_welcome", false); // Clean up old state files in tmp/session/ $state = new State("index"); $state->clean(); // Clean up old attachments in tmp/attachments/ $state = new AttachmentState(); $state->clean(); // Fetch the hierarchy state cache for unread counters notifications for subfolders $counterState = new State('counters_sessiondata'); $counterState->open(); $counterState->write("sessionData", updateHierarchyCounters()); $counterState->close(); // clean search folders cleanSearchFolders(); // These hooks are defined twice (also when there is a "load" argument supplied) $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->triggerHook("server.index.load.main.before"); // Include webclient include(BASE_PATH . 'server/includes/templates/webclient.php'); $GLOBALS['PluginManager']->triggerHook("server.index.load.main.after"); }