23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:41 [ INFO]: Creating data directories for nextcloud... 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:41 [ INFO]: Copying /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.schema 23968 actions.install.progress 17-12-03 11:42:41 [ DEBUG]: 5 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:41 [ INFO]: Registering UCR for nextcloud 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:41 [ INFO]: Marking 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 as installed 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:42 [ INFO]: Setting ports for apache proxy 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ INFO]: Creating /etc/init.d/docker-app-nextcloud 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-nextcloud defaults 41 14 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ DEBUG]: Calling /bin/systemctl daemon-reload 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ DEBUG]: /bin/systemctl returned with 0 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ INFO]: Adding localhost to LDAP object 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:44 [ INFO]: Setting overview variables 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Changed: set([u'nextcloud']) 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Local hosts are: ['nextcloud.kunde.local', ''] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/link' -> u'/nextcloud/' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/label/de' -> u'Nextcloud' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/description' -> 'Secure storing, syncing & sharing data in and outside your organization' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/label' -> u'Nextcloud' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/port_https' -> '443' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/description/de' -> 'Daten sicher speichern, synchronisieren & teilen in und au\xc3\x9ferhalb Ihrer Organisation' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/port_http' -> '' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Matched u'ucs/web/overview/entries/service/nextcloud/icon' -> u'/univention/js/dijit/themes/umc/icons/scalable/apps-nextcloud_20170920093639.svg' 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Processing cn=nextcloud,cn=portal,cn=univention,dc=kunde,dc=local 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Attrs: {'category': u'service', 'displayName': [('de_DE', u'Nextcloud'), ('en_US', u'Nextcloud')], 'name': u'nextcloud', 'description': [('en_US', 'Secure storing, syncing & sharing data in and outside your organization'), ('de_DE', 'Daten sicher speichern, synchronisieren & teilen in und au\xc3\x9ferhalb Ihrer Organisation')], 'icon': 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Links: ['', 'https://nextcloud.kunde.local/nextcloud/'] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: DN not found... 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: ... creating 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service. 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0 23968 actions.install.progress 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: 10 23968 database 17-12-03 11:42:45 [ DEBUG]: 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 uses PostgreSQL 23968 packagemanager.dpkg.fetch 17-12-03 11:42:46 [ INFO]: Es wurden 0 B in 0 s geholt (0 B/s) 23968 packagemanager.dpkg.status 17-12-03 11:42:46 [ INFO]: Ausführen von dpkg 23968 packagemanager.dpkg.percentage 17-12-03 11:42:46 [ DEBUG]: 0.0 23968 database 17-12-03 11:42:47 [ DEBUG]: Calling service postgresql start 23968 database 17-12-03 11:42:47 [ DEBUG]: Password already exists 23968 database 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ DEBUG]: User already exists 23968 database 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ INFO]: 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 already has its database 23968 actions.install.progress 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ DEBUG]: 15 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ INFO]: Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud.schema 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:48 [CRITICAL]: Registration of schema extension failed (Code: 1) 23968 actions.install 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ WARNING]: Aborting... 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ DEBUG]: 0 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:48 [ INFO]: Going to remove Nextcloud (12.0.3-0) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.prerm does not exist 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ DEBUG]: Calling elinks -dump /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.README_UNINSTALL_DE 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: Die Deinstallation von Nextcloud wird ebenfalls alle Daten entfernen. 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: Falls diese behalten werden sollen, sollte ein Backup der nextcloud 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: Datenbank aus PostgreSQL sowie vom Datenordner 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/data angelegt werden, bevor 23968 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:42:49 [ INFO]: mit der Deinstallation fortgefahren wird. 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ INFO]: No hostdn for nextcloud found. Nothing to remove 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: 5 23968 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure 23968 actions.configure.progress 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: 0 23968 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ INFO]: Configuring 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 23968 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.configure_host does not exist 23968 actions.configure.progress 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: 100 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: 45 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-nextcloud remove 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:56 [ INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Changed: set([u'nextcloud']) 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Local hosts are: ['nextcloud.kunde.local', ''] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Processing cn=nextcloud,cn=portal,cn=univention,dc=kunde,dc=local 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Attrs: {} 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Links: [] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Existing links: ['', 'https://nextcloud.kunde.local/nextcloud/'] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: New links: [] 23968 portalentries 17-12-03 11:42:58 [ DEBUG]: Removing DN 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:42:59 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service. 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0 23968 apps 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: Saved 0 apps into cache 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: 50 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: 60 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: 70 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: 80 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.uinst 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer. 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2017 Univention GmbH, Germany 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:00 [ INFO]: Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-samba.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 33univention-portal.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-adconnector.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-server-overview.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-postgresql.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:01 [ INFO]: Running 91univention-saml.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ INFO]: Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ INFO]: Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed) 25638 cache 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25638 cache 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25638 cache 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25638 cache 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25638 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25638 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: 0 25638 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ INFO]: Nextcloud 25638 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:02 [ DEBUG]: 100 25644 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25644 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25644 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25644 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25644 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25644 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: 0 25644 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container 25644 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: 100 25651 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25651 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25651 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25651 cache 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25651 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25651 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: 0 25651 actions.get 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ INFO]: 12.0.3-0 25651 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:43:03 [ DEBUG]: 100 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:04 [ INFO]: Running 51nextcloud-uninstall.uinst failed (exitcode: 3) 23968 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:43:04 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0 23968 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search 23968 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: 0 23968 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: Checking 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 23968 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: 100 23968 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: 100 23968 utils 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: send_information: action=install app=nextcloud value=None status=1 23968 utils 17-12-03 11:43:05 [ DEBUG]: tracking information: {'status': 1, 'uuid': '5b9fa0e0-7756-4a21-aa0f-4fcd15ee3836', 'app': u'nextcloud', 'version': u'12.0.3-0', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'action': 'install', 'system-uuid': '03b8d447-d9be-43cb-b59e-16b455a6445e'} 23968 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:43:06 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search 23968 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:43:06 [ DEBUG]: 0 23968 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:43:06 [ DEBUG]: Checking 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 23968 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:43:06 [ DEBUG]: 100 23968 actions.install.progress 17-12-03 11:43:06 [ DEBUG]: 100 25821 actions.info 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: Calling info 25821 actions.info.progress 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: 0 25821 actions.info 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ INFO]: UCS: 4.2-3 errata231 25821 actions.info 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ INFO]: App Center compatibility: 4 25821 cache 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25821 cache 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25821 cache 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25821 cache 17-12-03 11:46:07 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25821 actions.info 17-12-03 11:46:08 [ INFO]: Installed: adconnector=11.0 letsencrypt=1.1.1-2 samba-memberserver=4.6 25821 actions.info 17-12-03 11:46:08 [ INFO]: Upgradable: 25821 actions.info.progress 17-12-03 11:46:08 [ DEBUG]: 100 25988 cache 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25988 cache 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25988 cache 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25988 cache 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25988 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25988 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: 0 25988 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ INFO]: Nextcloud 25988 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:30 [ DEBUG]: 100 25993 cache 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25993 cache 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25993 cache 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25993 cache 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25993 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25993 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: 0 25993 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container 25993 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:31 [ DEBUG]: 100 25998 cache 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25998 cache 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 25998 cache 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 25998 cache 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 25998 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 25998 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: 0 25998 actions.get 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ INFO]: 12.0.3-0 25998 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:48:32 [ DEBUG]: 100 27666 cache 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27666 cache 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 27666 cache 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27666 cache 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 27666 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 27666 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: 0 27666 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ INFO]: Nextcloud 27666 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:36 [ DEBUG]: 100 27672 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27672 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 27672 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27672 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 27672 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 27672 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: 0 27672 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container 27672 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: 100 27678 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27678 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 27678 cache 17-12-03 11:50:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27678 cache 17-12-03 11:50:38 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 27678 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:38 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 27678 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:38 [ DEBUG]: 0 27678 actions.get 17-12-03 11:50:38 [ INFO]: 12.0.3-0 27678 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:50:38 [ DEBUG]: 100 27738 cache 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27738 cache 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 27738 cache 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 27738 cache 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ DEBUG]: 0 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:37 [ INFO]: Going to remove Nextcloud (12.0.3-0) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.prerm does not exist 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ DEBUG]: Calling elinks -dump /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.README_UNINSTALL_DE 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: Die Deinstallation von Nextcloud wird ebenfalls alle Daten entfernen. 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: Falls diese behalten werden sollen, sollte ein Backup der nextcloud 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: Datenbank aus PostgreSQL sowie vom Datenordner 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/nextcloud/data angelegt werden, bevor 27738 actions.remove.readme 17-12-03 11:51:38 [ INFO]: mit der Deinstallation fortgefahren wird. 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ INFO]: No hostdn for nextcloud found. Nothing to remove 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: 5 27738 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure 27738 actions.configure.progress 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: 0 27738 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ INFO]: Configuring 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 27738 actions.configure 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.configure_host does not exist 27738 actions.configure.progress 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: 100 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:40 [CRITICAL]: No container found. Unable to backup 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: 45 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:40 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service. 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0 27738 apps 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: Saved 0 apps into cache 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: 50 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: 60 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: 70 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: 80 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/appcenter.software-univention.de/4.1/nextcloud_20170920093639.uinst 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer. 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: copyright (c) 2001-2017 Univention GmbH, Germany 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:41 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-samba.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 31univention-nagios-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 33univention-portal.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-adconnector.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-server-overview.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-postgresql.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-ad-connector.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 91univention-saml.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:42 [ INFO]: Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed) 29166 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29166 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 29166 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29166 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 29166 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 29166 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: 0 29166 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ INFO]: Nextcloud 29166 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: 100 29172 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29172 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 29172 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29172 cache 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 29172 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 29172 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: 0 29172 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/nextcloud/container 29172 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:43 [ DEBUG]: 100 29178 cache 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29178 cache 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 107 apps from cache 29178 cache 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: Cache outdated. Need to rebuild 29178 cache 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 352 apps from cache 29178 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: Calling get 29178 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: 0 29178 actions.get 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ INFO]: 12.0.3-0 29178 actions.get.progress 17-12-03 11:51:44 [ DEBUG]: 100 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:45 [ INFO]: Running 51nextcloud-uninstall.uinst failed (exitcode: 3) 27738 actions.remove 17-12-03 11:51:45 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0 27738 utils 17-12-03 11:51:45 [ DEBUG]: send_information: action=remove app=nextcloud value=None status=200 27738 utils 17-12-03 11:51:45 [ DEBUG]: tracking information: {'status': 200, 'uuid': '5b9fa0e0-7756-4a21-aa0f-4fcd15ee3836', 'app': u'nextcloud', 'version': u'12.0.3-0', 'role': 'domaincontroller_master', 'action': 'remove', 'system-uuid': '03b8d447-d9be-43cb-b59e-16b455a6445e'} 27738 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:51:46 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search 27738 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:51:46 [ DEBUG]: 0 27738 actions.upgrade-search 17-12-03 11:51:46 [ DEBUG]: Checking 4.1/nextcloud=12.0.3-0 27738 actions.upgrade-search.progress 17-12-03 11:51:46 [ DEBUG]: 100 27738 actions.remove.progress 17-12-03 11:51:46 [ DEBUG]: 100