#!/bin/bash # # Univention # # Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Univention GmbH # # and # iKu Systems & Services GmbH & Co. KG # # http://www.iku-systems.de/ # # All rights reserved. # # The source code of this program is made available # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 # (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as # well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like # Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations, # cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between # you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3. # # In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3, # the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public # License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file # /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see # . set -e -u . /usr/share/univention-ox/ox-lib.sh || exit 1 . /usr/share/univention-lib/all.sh || die "Failed to load all.sh library." eval "$(univention-config-registry shell)" MYSQL_HOST="localhost" MYSQL_USER="openexchange" SERVERNAME="localhost" OXADMINMASTER="oxadminmaster" main () { check_params "$@" check_join check_context mysql_prepare store_prepare init_configdb prepare_oxmaster_secret config_localhost configure_ucr setup_listener restart_services init_localdb register_server register_store register_domain ${BINDARGS+"${BINDARGS[@]}"} } check_params () { PARAM_INIT=() BINDARGS=() while [ $# -ge 1 ] do case "$1" in --help|-h) usage ; exit 0 ;; --ignore-join) check_join () { :; } ; shift 1 ;; --mysql-host) OXDB="${2:?missing hostname}" ; export OXDB ; shift 2 ;; --mysql-password) OXDBPW="${2:?missing password}" ; export OXDBPW ; shift 2 ;; --drop-configdb) PARAM_INIT+=("-i") ; shift 1 ;; --context) CONTEXTNUM="${2:?missing context number}" ; shift 2 ;; --bind*) BINDARGS+=("$1" "$2") ; shift 2 ;; *) die 2 "Unknown option: $1" ;; esac done } usage () { cat <<-__USAGE__ usage: ${0##*/} [options] Options: --help, -h Show this help --mysql-host HOST Overwrite MySQL host name --mysql-password PW Specify MySQL password for user '$MYSQL_USER' --drop-configdb Remove configdb from MySQL database --ignore-join Skip checking join status --context NUM Overwrite context number 10 --bind* STR LDAP Bind credentials __USAGE__ } check_join () { msg "Checking join status..." [ -e "/usr/share/univention-join/.joined" ] || die "The server has not joined yet. Use '$0 --ignore-join' to continue." } check_context () { msg "Checking for Open-Xchange context in LDAP..." OXCONTEXTNAME="context${CONTEXTNUM:=10}" if ox_context_check_ldap "$OXCONTEXTNAME" then echo "New context '$OXCONTEXTNAME' will be created." >&2 else echo "Existing context '$OXCONTEXTNAME' will be re-used." >&2 fi } MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT="/etc/mysql.secret" MYSQL_SECRET_OX="$OXSECRETPATH/dbuser.secret" mysql_prepare () { msg "Checking MySQL credentials..." if [ -n "${OXDB:-}" -o -n "${OXDBPW:-}" ]; then mysql_check_extern return fi if mysql_load_credentials then mysql_check_root else if [ ! -e "$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT" ]; then mysql_check_local mysql_setup_root fi mysql_check_root mysql_create_account fi mysql_grant } mysql_check_extern () { MYSQL_OPTIONS=( -h "$OXDB" -u "$MYSQL_USER" --password="$OXDBPW" ) _mysql -e '' >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Connection to MySQL server failed. Please check env. variables 'OXDB' and 'OXDBPW'." MYSQL_HOST="$OXDB" MYSQL_PASSWORD="$OXDBPW" } _mysql () { mysql ${MYSQL_OPTIONS+"${MYSQL_OPTIONS[@]}"} "$@" } mysql_load_credentials () { [ -e "$MYSQL_SECRET_OX" ] || return 1 MYSQL_PASSWORD="$(cat "$MYSQL_SECRET_OX")" || die 1 "Failed to read MySQL secret from '$MYSQL_SECRET_OX'." } mysql_check_local () { MYSQL_OPTIONS=() _mysql -e '' || die "Connection to MySQL server failed. Aborting" } mysql_setup_root () { mkdir -p -m 700 "$OXSECRETPATH" 2>/dev/null ox_write_secret "$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT" "" || die "Failed to save secret in '$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT'." makepasswd --nocrypt >"$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT" || die "Failed to save secret in '$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT'." /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password "$(cat "$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT")" || die "Failed to set MySQL password for user 'root'." } mysql_check_root () { MYSQL_OPTIONS=( -u root --password="$(cat "$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT")" ) _mysql -e '' >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "Connection to MySQL server failed. Please check '$MYSQL_SECRET_ROOT' for user 'root'." } mysql_create_account () { MYSQL_PASSWORD="$("$OXPATH/sbin/genpw.sh")" ox_write_secret "$MYSQL_SECRET_OX" "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" || die "Failed to save secret in '$MYSQL_SECRET_OX'." } mysql_grant () { _mysql \ -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$MYSQL_USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_PASSWORD' WITH GRANT OPTION;" \ -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" || die "Failed to grant privileges on MySQL databases to user '$MYSQL_USER'." } store_prepare () { msg "Creating Open-Xchange local file store..." OXFILESTORE="/var/oxfilestore" mkdir -p "$OXFILESTORE" 2>/dev/null chmod 700 "$OXFILESTORE" chown open-xchange "$OXFILESTORE" OXFILESTORESIZE=$(($(stat -c '%a*%S/1024/1126' -f "$OXFILESTORE"))) } configure_ucr () { msg "Setting up UCR..." declare -a ucr=( ox/cfg/AdminUser.properties/CHECK_USER_UID_FOR_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARS=false ox/cfg/AdminUser.properties/PRIMARY_MAIL_UNCHANGEABLE=false ox/cfg/AdminUser.properties/USERNAME_CHANGEABLE=true ox/cfg/cache.ccf/jcs.auxiliary.LTCP.attributes.TcpServers='' ox/cfg/cache.ccf/jcs.auxiliary.LTCP.attributes.UdpDiscoveryEnabled=false ox/cfg/configjump.properties/URL="https://${ldap_server_name}/umc" ox/cfg/foldercache.properties/ENABLE_INTERNAL_USER_EDIT=false ox/cfg/Group.properties/CHECK_GROUP_UID_FOR_NOT_ALLOWED_CHARS=false ox/cfg/imap.properties/com.openexchange.imap.spamHandler="SpamAssassin" ox/cfg/mailfilter.properties/SIEVE_CREDSRC="imapLogin" ox/cfg/mailfilter.properties/SIEVE_LOGIN_TYPE="user" ox/cfg/mail.properties/com.openexchange.mail.adminMailLoginEnabled=true ox/cfg/push-udp.properties/com.openexchange.push.udp.senderAddress="$hostname.$domainname" ox/cfg/sessiond.properties/com.openexchange.sessiond.maxSessionPerUser=1000 ) ucr set "${ucr[@]}" } setup_listener () { local MODULES="/usr/lib/univention-directory-listener/system" rm -f "${MODULES}/ox-config.py" ln -s -f -t "$MODULES" /usr/share/univention-ox/listener/ox-context.py ln -s -f -t "$MODULES" /usr/share/univention-ox/listener/ox-domain.py invoke-rc.d univention-directory-listener crestart } restart_services () { msg "Restarting Open-Xchange daemons..." ox_restart || die "Open-Xchange daemon failed to restart." /etc/init.d/apache2 restart } init_configdb () { msg "Creating Open-Xchange MySQL configuration database..." ox_retry \ "$OXADMINPATH/initconfigdb" \ --configdb-host "$MYSQL_HOST" \ --configdb-user "$MYSQL_USER" \ --configdb-pass "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" \ ${PARAM_INIT+"${PARAM_INIT[@]}"} && return 0 _mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES' "configdb" || die "Failed to create initial MySQL database 'configdb'. Use '$0 --drop-configdb' do force a new one." } prepare_oxmaster_secret () { if [ -f "$OXMASTERSECRETFILE" ] then msg "Re-using Open-Xchange Master credentials..." OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD="$(cat "$OXMASTERSECRETFILE")" || die "Failed to read secret from '$OXMASTERSECRETFILE'." else msg "Creating Open-Xchange Master credentials..." OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD=$("$OXPATH/sbin/genpw.sh") ox_write_secret "$OXMASTERSECRETFILE" "$OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD" || die "Failed to save secret in '$OXMASTERSECRETFILE'." fi } config_localhost () { msg "Setting up Open-Xchange configuration files..." ox_retry \ "$OXADMINPATH/oxinstaller" \ --configdb-readhost "$MYSQL_HOST" \ --configdb-writehost "$MYSQL_HOST" \ --configdb-pass "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" \ --servername "$SERVERNAME" \ --master-user "$OXADMINMASTER" \ --master-pass "$OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD" \ --object-link-hostname "$hostname.$domainname/ox6" \ --servermemory "$ox_java_mem" \ --no-license || die "Failed to create Open-Xchange configuration files." } init_localdb () { msg "Creating Open-Xchange MySQL database for '$SERVERNAME'..." local id ox_retry \ "$OXADMINPATH/registerdatabase" \ --hostname "$MYSQL_HOST" \ --dbpasswd "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" \ --adminuser "$OXADMINMASTER" \ --adminpass "$OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD" \ --name "$SERVERNAME" \ --master true && return 0 id=$(_mysql -B -N -e "SELECT db_pool_id FROM db_pool WHERE name='$SERVERNAME'" "configdb") && [ -n "$id" ] || die "Failed to create per-server database pool '$SERVERNAME'" return 0 } register_server () { msg "Registering Open-Xchange server in MySQL database..." local id ox_retry \ "$OXADMINPATH/registerserver" \ --adminuser "$OXADMINMASTER" \ --adminpass "$OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD" \ --name "$SERVERNAME" && return 0 id="$(_mysql -B -N -e "SELECT server_id FROM server WHERE name='$SERVERNAME'" "configdb")" && [ -n "$id" ] || die "Failed to register server '$SERVERNAME'." return 0 } register_store () { msg "Registering Open-Xchange file store in MySQL database..." local id uri="file://$OXFILESTORE" ox_retry \ "$OXADMINPATH/registerfilestore" \ --adminuser "$OXADMINMASTER" \ --adminpass "$OXADMINMASTER_PASSWORD" \ --storepath "$uri" \ --storesize "$OXFILESTORESIZE" && return 0 id=$(_mysql -B -N -e "SELECT id FROM filestore WHERE uri='$uri'" "configdb") && [ -n "$id" ] || die "Failed to register file-store in MySQL database 'configdb'." return 0 } mysql_check_schema () { msg "Checking MySQL database for schema..." local schema schema="$(_mysql -B -N -e "SELECT db_schema FROM context_server2db_pool NATURAL JOIN server WHERE name='$SERVERNAME'" "configdb")" && [ -n "$schema" ] || die "Failed to determine per-host database name for '$SERVERNAME'." _mysql -e 'SHOW TABLES' "$schema" || die "Failed to access per-host database '$schema'." return 0 } register_domain () { msg "Registering UCS domain for Open-Xchange..." CONTEXTNUM="$CONTEXTNUM" \ /usr/sbin/ox-register-to-ucs-domain "$@" || die "Failed to register UCS domain in OX." } main "$@" exit $?