Upgrade working version 4.4 to 5 - DNS zones found no host record for nameserver

DNS no longer works after upgrade. Run System diagnostic
Warning: Check nameserver entries on DNS zones

Found errors in the nameserver entries of the following zones. Please refer to Univention Support Database - Bind: zone transfer failed for further information.

In forward zone socratec.ca (see [“DNS” module](javascript:void(0))): Found no host record (A/AAAA record) for nameserver gateway.socratec.ca.
In reverse zone 192.168.3 (see [“DNS” module](javascript:void(0))): Found no host record (A/AAAA record) for nameserver gateway.socratec.ca.

Does anyone has any idea how to solve this problem.

Have you tried just adding the record that it claims is missing?

As Kevo already mentioned, there is no A or AAA record for your nameserver.
Can you please execute the following commands on your system?:

udm dns/host_record list
udm dns/ptr_record list

this will list you all host- and ptr-records in your domain.
If there is no A or AAA record, you may add it via udm as described here:

# first define IP
# then define host-name
# create the a-record for forward-lookup -> hostname to ip
udm dns/host_record create --set name="$HOST" --set a="$IP" --superordinate "$(udm dns/forward_zone list |sed -ne 's/^DN: //p;T;q')"
# create the PTR-record for reverse lookup -> ip to hostname
udm dns/ptr_record create --set ptr_record="$HOST" --set address="$IP" --superordinate "$(udm dns/reverse_zone list |sed -ne 's/^DN: //p;T;q')"
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