I am running UCS 4.4-2 and am having problems updating. The server is erroring out because the web server configuration files have changed. Yea, no kidding they’ve changed … how do I update to a newer version and put my web settings back into place?!
The error message I get if I try to apply 4.4-3 … tail -f /var/log/univention/updater.log
Checking for space on /: OK
Checking for package status: OK
Checking LDAP schema: 5e8c02fc /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 169: rootdn is always granted unlimited privileges.
WARNING: There are modified Apache configuration files in /etc/univention/templates/files/etc/apache2/sites-available/.
Please restore the original configuration files before upgrading and apply the manual changes again after the upgrade succeeded.
This check can be skipped by setting the UCR variable update44/ignore_apache_template_checks to yes.
Error: Update aborted by pre-update script of release 4.4-3
Obviously I don’t have the original config files.
How do I set the UCR variable?!
The original file should be univention-corporate-server/services/univention-apache/conffiles/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.d/00start at 4.4-4 · univention/univention-corporate-server · GitHub
Looking at the folder structure its probably smarter to add additional files (e.g. 01mymodifications
) instead of changing the original files.
ucr set update44/ignore_apache_template_checks=yes
Yea - I altered the original file because I could not get the system to stop overwriting my needed config changes any other way.
Good input for future, but it would take a fair amount of effort to find all of the changes and undo them. The info you provided allowed me to get the system up on 4.4.x – thank you.