UCS Kopano Meet and UCS SSO - clean up error 400

It looks like Kopano meets is working normally in every way, except that when a user selects logout and they are redirected

https://severname.domain.com/meetid/signin/v1/identifier/oauth2/cb then the server responds with
“400 Bad Request - state not found”

While it most definitely looks like this is technically true, it is not very user friendly.

Is there a reasonable way to redirect back to https://server.domain.com/univention/portal/ but only after a logoff has occurred?

Hoping for a few lines of config I can add to the reverse proxy or the UCS config to clean this up.

Hi @kopanogobigred,

which version of Meet are you running? Have you already updated to the latest?

Its on the latest version

Please post the output of https://wiki.z-hub.io/display/K4U/Debugging+Kopano+on+Univention#DebuggingKopanoonUnivention-Containerisedapps

thanks for the reply – missed it until just now. The server involved in this stuff is no longer operational. I ran into certificate problems causing SLAPD to fail.
