UCS / Kopano integration registry

Hey there,
we’re running on UCS combines with Kopano, and set some variables of Kopano/webapp via registry.

While we just updated the machine we figured that the updater was not able to update a specific file /etc/kopano/webapp/config.php because it was modified - by the registry.

our workaround for now is either to set the variable new via web-cli or to set it new via bash (ucr set […]) is there a command for ucr write all set variables from kopano or kopano/webapp again?

thanks in advance,
best regards.

Hi @r0bert,

please have a look at https://wiki.z-hub.io/display/K4U/Changing+configuration+options#Changingconfigurationoptions-RebuildingconfigurationfilesfromtheUCR

Thanks for your lightning speed answer,

so basically when i use following command:

# For Kopano WebApp configuration files:
while read ucrv; do ucr set "$ucrv"="$(ucr get $ucrv)"; done < <(ucr search --brief kopano/webapp | awk -F : '{print $1}')

the configs of the whole webapp tree should be rebuilt, including for example the config.php i pointed out? (which i manually copy before that from the dist version)

best regards,

not including, but only the config.php of WebApp. At least at the moment of documenting the command it did work.
