Selfservice Portal - LDAP Attribut for "Mail for Password Reset"


in which LDAP Attribute will be saved this value? I cant find it?




Good day,

that would be univentionPasswordSelfServiceEmail. (See also: Q&A: Which mail fields for users are available in UCS?)

Best regards

perfect, thx… but “PasswordRecoveryEmailVerified” seems not existing or?

What do you mean by “seems not existing”? PasswordRecoveryEmailVerified is the name of the UDM attribute and can be seen in your screenshot too (“E-Mail-Adresse verifiziert”).

Best regards

yes of course, udm i see but not the ldap attribut i mean :slight_smile:

The attribute is univentionPasswordRecoveryEmailVerified (as for the other one just prefix the UDM name with univention).

that i also tried, but seems not correct, i got this error in my job: NoSuchAttributeException [LDAP: error code 16 - 0000200A: objectclass_attrs: attribute ‘univentionPasswordRecoveryEmailVerified’ on entry


I guess the attribute has to be set for this to work. You could catch the exception and handle this as a no.

mmhhh sorry i dont get it, where i should “set” this attribute?

“set” = Assign a value. Currently the value is not TRUE nor FALSE but None as it is undefined and not set at all, this is why your code throws the exception. As long as this state occurs it means that functionally it is the same as FALSE as the mail address is not verified.

so first general question, i dont see this attributes in a ldap browser (doenst matter which one… softera ldap browser, Active Directory Explorer, ldapadmin)… it looks like this:


so it seems something general is not correct on my side… what could this be?

and for sure for this example i set values via web gui

The Self-Service App defines it’s own LDAP schema for these attributes, maybe there is something to configure in you application?
I have no knowledge of this kind of graphical tooling, instead I would advise to use udm or univention-ldapsearch on the commandline or the LDAP-Tree UMC module.

For more info regarding the former:

Best regards

You’ve connected to which type of LDAP server? Samba 4 (port 636 if installed) or OpenLDAP (port 7636)?

i have samba4 installed but i connect ldap via default port 389. 636 and 7636 doesnt work, i got everytime:




You’ve used “SSL+Benutzer+Kennwort” as security grade?

yes i think so:


As you have to connect to OpenLDAP the dn is wrong: it’s uid=it not cn=it

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ohhhh damn yes of course…
now i can connect and tadaaaaa magic… is this this univention fields

im so sorry
