Self Service Passwort-Reset: LDAP-Attribute in E-Mail

Hallo zusammen,

die Passwort-Reset-Funktion des Self Service versendet E-Mails, deren Template sich bearbeiten lässt. Darin stehen die Variablen {link}, {token}, {tokenlink} und {username} zur Verfügung.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dort auf weitere LDAP-Attribute des Benutzers zuzugreifen? Ziel ist es, den Benutzer in der E-Mail z.B. mit “Hallo {Vorname} {Nachname},” o.ä. anzusprechen.

Viele Grüße


for our international users a translation of the request:

Subject: Self Service Password Reset: LDAP Attributes in Email

Hello, everybody,

The password reset function of the Self Service sends e-mails whose templates can be edited. It contains the variables {link}, {token}, {tokenlink} and {username}.

Is there a way to access other LDAP attributes of the user there? The aim is to address the user in the e-mail e.g. with “Hello {first name} {surname},” or similar.

Many greetings

Best regards,

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Unfortionately this is currently not possible. I created a bugzilla entry for this:

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Thanks a lot, gulden and Best, for your fast response! It would be great to see this feature in a future release.

Best regards,
