We are pleased to announce the availability of the second milestone of UCS 3.0 as DVD-ISO for i386 and amd64. In the centre of attention are the further development of the new Univention Management Console (UMC) as well as the availability of Active Directory functionality with Samba 4. The milestone addresses everybody interested in the upcoming release of UCS 3.0, who especially want to get to know the new UMC and the Active Directory features in UCS and who want to give us feedback. The milestone is not designated for production use. It already contains all packages for UCS 3.0, but does not yet cover all features of the final release.
The second milestones replenishes the first milestone with the following elements:[ul]
[li] Installation from DVD for amd64 in addition to i386 [/li]
[li] Updates of Samba 4 and Samba 3.6[/li]
[li] Additional modules and features have been added to the new UMC. The Univention Directory Manager (UDM) is integrated into the UMC in UCS 3.0.[/li]
[li] Update of the Linux Kernel 2.6.32-36 and new available device drivers[/li]
[li] Update of the integration of the mail stack consisting of Cyrus IMAP, Postfix, Spamassassin/Amavis and Horde 4[/li]
[li] Increased Active Directory Connector performance in large environments[/li]
[li] Bind 9.8 with Dynamically Loadable Zones (DLZ) for support of dynamic updates especially in connection with Samba 4[/li]
[li] Integration of Nagios 3 and additional Nagios checks[/li]
[li] Extensive improvements in the UCS installer including IPv6 integration[/li][/ul]
The second milestone does not include (excerpt):
[li] Features for virtualization[/li]
[li] IPv6 support in the UCS management system[/li][/ul]
The installed system is configured to retrieve package updates from testing.univention.de.
Questions can be asked in the Univention Forum in the section UCS. Information about download and installation of the milestone can be found in the Univention Wiki in the article UCS 3.0 Test Instructions. Further information about development of UCS 3.0, schedule and feature set can be found in the Univention Wiki, as well.