Problem with Letsencrypt

I’ve set up an new UCS with kopano.
after that i pointed the MX to the new ip-adress of my server the subdomain to

Then i installed the letsencrypt app.
But after this i get an error:

ValueError: Challenge did not pass for MY.SERVER.TLD:

  1. u’hostname’: u’MY.SERVER.TLD’, u’addressesTried’:
    [u’SERVER_IPv6’], u’addressUsed’: u’SERVER_IPv4’, u’port’: u’80’}]

  2. u’token’: u’o_tUSt5dHxUaU-5aYqz0RYDxAoSQd9RhOEIelq-OLdY’, u’error’: {u’status’: 400, u’type’: u’urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection’, u’detail’: u’Fetching
    http://MY.SERVER.TLD/.well-known/acme-challenge/o_tUSt5dHxUaU-5aYqz0RYDxAoSQd9RhOEIelq-OLdY: Connection refused’}, u’type’: u’http-01’},

UCS 4.3-2 errata376
letsencrypt 1.2.2-3

can somebody help me!


i solved the problem

Can you share your solution with the forum?

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I think I had the same problem, and the solution was that I had to redirect/forward port 80 to the host server.

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Sorry for my late answer. The email slipped through me somehow.

Yeah, port 80
