Problem: System Diagnose Reports Errors about KRBTGT and Guest User


System Diagnose reports errors about “Well Known” SIDs.


You are running the diagnosis module on a ucs@school Slave (school-server) and your Master does not have Samba (Ad compatibility app) installed.
ucr get connector/s4/mapping/user/ignorelist is set to root,ucs-s4sync,dns-slave,krbtgt,Guest (which ist the default).

Diagnose will complain:

root@lenaedu:~# univention-run-diagnostic-checks -t all
Domain Admin Login: Administrator

You can find the logging messages of the diagnostic modules at /var/log/univention/management-console-module-diagnostic.log

ran 00_check_server_password successfully.
##################### Start 44_well_known_sid_check #####################
## Check failed: 44_well_known_sid_check - Überprüfe 'Well Known' SIDs ##
Kein Nutzer oder keine Gruppe mit SID S-1-5-21-4189432101-1806742356-2962702042-502 gefunden, 'KRBTGT' war erwartet.
Kein Nutzer oder keine Gruppe mit SID S-1-5-21-4189432101-1806742356-2962702042-501 gefunden, 'Guest' war erwartet.
###################### End 44_well_known_sid_check ######################


This message for these users can be ignored. There is a bug open for it.

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