Password, locked out

I tried to activate

Sadly, I’m locked out on the Administrator account and on a differente account now. I disabled the parameters again, but still no luck.

I tried faillog -r -u Administrator
nothing changed.

Via ssh and the root account I tried to change the password using passwd, but there I have to enter the ‘current kerberos password’, which seems to become invalid. So I have no idea how to reset the Administrator password or activate it again.


if you are root on your UCS Master, then this should work:

udm users/user modify --dn uid=Administrator,cn=users,"$(ucr get ldap/base)" \
  --set password=YourNewPassword \
  --set overridePWHistory=1 \
  --set pwdChangeNextLogin=0

Best regards,
Michael Grandjean

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Hi there,
we have a similar problem here, only that Michaels solution did not help.

udm users/user modify --dn uid=Administrator,cn=users,"$(ucr get ldap/base)" \
  --set password=secret \
  --set overridePWHistory=1 \
  --set pwdChangeNextLogin=0
univention-ldapsearch '(uid=Administrator)' -x -D uid=Administrator,cn=users,$(ucr get ldap/base) -W
Enter LDAP Password:
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

Not really sure what to make out of this.
Any help or hint is highly appreciated!
