Orphaned univentionUsers/GroupsObject in LDAP

Hi there,

I’m running UCS 4.4.8 in master/slave setup. Currently I’m facing a strange issue where I’m unable to create an OU. The OU is not listed in the LDAP Directory Tree of the WebGUI (Domain/LDAP Directory) but I can see that there are some left entries/objects when searching via cli with univention-ldapsearch:

univention-ldapsearch -LLL  |grep -iE "orphaned-ou" gives me:
univentionGroupsObject: ou=orphaned-ou,OU=people,dc=mycompanie,dc=intranet
univentionUsersObject: ou=orphaned-ou,OU=people,dc=mycompanie,dc=intranet

When I try to delete those objects via ldapdelete or udm groups/group remove I get:
ldap_delete: No such object (32)
E: object not found

When I try to create on OU with the same name. WebGUI shows me:
The LDAP object could not be saved: LDAP Error Type or value exists: modify/add: univentionUsersObject: value #0 already exists
The LDAP object could not be saved: LDAP Error Type or value exists: modify/add: univentionGroupsObject: value #0 already exists
when the standard user container and standard group container is enabled.

I can see that there is an Groups Object and also an Users Object but how can I get rid of it?

Thanks for help!
