Office 365 Connector - Windows 7 client

I tried to configure office 365 Connector and followed the assistent step by step - first time everything seems OK, so I configured one WIn7 Client as assistent has shown. But on the Win7 client I got some failure messages.
Now I want to undo the Changes of the Win7 client, but I dont know exactly what I did. Only now that I installes Powershell 4 and something else. Where can I find the Instruchtions which are shown in the assisent for the windoes client?
Because after this I tried the connector assisten again, but now I got fails on ucs too:
at least I got a failure message like: “Microsoft hat beim Autorisieren einen Fehler gemeldet. Es könnte helfen noch einmal zu autorisieren. Fehlermeldung: unsupported_response_type: AADSTS700054: response_type ‘id_token’ is not enabled for the application.” and the assistent goes not further to show what to do on windows client
