O365 connector issue

I already installed O365 connector and run the wizard successfully. But I’m not able to add subscriptions through the UCS. If I try to list users and groups I get an error

root@jupiter:~# /usr/share/univention-office365/scripts/print_users_and_groups defaultADconnection
Using Azure AD connection alias 'defaultADconnection'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/univention-office365/scripts/print_users_and_groups", line 178, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/univention-office365/scripts/print_users_and_groups", line 71, in print_users_and_groups
    plan['service'] for user in users
  File "/usr/share/univention-office365/scripts/print_users_and_groups", line 72, in <genexpr>
    for plan in user.assignedPlans
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

What’s wrong?

BTW I’m not sure to understand the group policy. Is it not enough to activate O365 on group? do I have to activate it on every single user? I set the UCR to yes and restarted the listener

ucr set office365/groups/sync=yes
service univention-directory-listener restart.


For what it’s worth: We have the very same problem.
