Laptop loses trust relationship

I have users that leave the domain for a long time, and their computers lose the trust relationship.

How can I stop this from happening?


What operating system do those Laptops run and which UCS version are you running? And how long do they leave the domain approximately until the trust relationship is lost? Maybe after more than 30 days?


Usually Windows 10. Also happens with WIndows 10 VM’s when we rollback a snapshot.

The one that prompted this issue, the laptop was off the network for 3 days (a long weekend).

I’m running 4.1-4 errata 428


The Trust-Lost after a rollback may be because the computer account is not correct/right anymore. You can/should correct this with:

netdom.exe resetpwd /server:<your S4 server> /userD:<domainadmin> /passwordD *

But in general, a trust relationship lost should not be happening often. You may check and change the intervall for the client account passwordchanges via GPOs (and RSAT-Tools).
