Kopano-Webapp keeps losing it's settings

Hello Univention/Kopano-Team,

we experience a very anoying problem. From time to time random user accounts lose all webapp settings (one account at a time). Language, theme-selection, autocomplete, file-accounts, signature… all gone.

All for no obvious reason. No idea how to reproduce.

Where are webapp-settings stored? Maybe I could look into that…

Any help would be apreciated!

Roland Köhler

Hi @koehlernic,

can you post the information included in https://wiki.z-hub.io/display/K4U/Debugging+Kopano+on+Univention ?

Settings are stored in an attribute in the users store. There are scripts to examine the settings and kopano-backup is capable of backing them up and restoring them as well.

Hi fbartels,

the journals are quite long. can I sent the data as zipped files via email?

Thanks a lot in advance!
Roland Köhler

You don’t need to paste your whole logs, version information and current configuration would be a good start.

If you have a valid subscription then you could also get in contact with our support and send them the whole trove of data.

Fine, here are the requested files, hope something can be found. Thanks!

installed versions:
ii kopano-server-packages all Metapackage to install the entire Kopano Core stack
ii kopano-webapp all New and improved WebApp for Kopano
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-desktopnotifications all Kopano WebApp Desktop notifications plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-filepreviewer all Kopano File previewer plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-files all Adds Files functionality to Kopano enabling access to WebDAV and other files backends.
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-filesbackend-owncloud all Adds Owncloud specific functionality to Kopano Files plugin.
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-filesbackend-smb all Adds Samba specific functionality to Kopano Files plugin.
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-folderwidgets all Kopano WebApp folder widgets plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-mdm all Kopano WebApp MDM plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-smime all Kopano WebApp S/MIME plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-spell all Kopano WebApp Spellchecker plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-spell-de-de all Kopano WebApp Spellchecker German dictionary plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-spell-en all Kopano WebApp Spellchecker English dictionary plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-spell-nl all Kopano WebApp Spellchecker Dutch dictionary plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-titlecounter all Kopano WebApp Titlecounter plugin
ii kopano-webapp-plugin-webappmanual all Kopano WebApp Manual plugin
ii kopano4ucs 1.6.2 all Kopano4ucs integration package for Univention Corporate Server
ii kopano4ucs-app 1.6.2 all Package for UCS app specific logic
ii kopano4ucs-lib 1.6.2 all Library package for common Kopano4ucs functions
ii kopano4ucs-schema 1.6.2 all LDAP schema for the Kopano4ucs integration
ii kopano4ucs-udm 1.6.2 all UDM extensions for the Kopano4ucs integration
ii kopano4ucs-webapp 1.5.33 all Kopano4ucs kopano-webapp integration package for Univention Corporate Server
ii kopano4ucs-z-push 1.5.33 all Meta package for Z-Push installation
ii z-push-kopano 2.4.5+0-0 all Z-Push for Kopano
ii z-push-kopano-gabsync 2.4.5+0-0 all GAB sync for Kopano

Univention version and installed app versions:
UCS: 4.4-3 errata427
Installed: fetchmail=6.3.26 kde=5.8 kopano-core= kopano-webapp= letsencrypt=1.2.2-8 samba4=4.10 z-push-kopano=2.4.5

configuration registry:
kopano/cfg/admin/default_store_locale: de_DE.UTF-8
kopano/cfg/gateway/imaps_listen: *:993
kopano/cfg/gateway/pop3s_listen: *:995
kopano/cfg/gateway/ssl_certificate_file: /etc/univention/letsencrypt/signed_chain.crt
kopano/cfg/gateway/ssl_private_key_file: /etc/univention/letsencrypt/domain.key
kopano/cfg/ical/icals_listen: *:8443
kopano/cfg/ical/server_timezone: @&@/etc/timezone@&@
kopano/cfg/ical/ssl_certificate_file: /etc/kopano/ssl/cert.pem
kopano/cfg/ical/ssl_private_key_file: /etc/kopano/ssl/private.key
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3004001E: description
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A06001E: givenName
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A08001E: telephoneNumber
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A09001E: homePhone
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A11001E: sn
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A16001E: o
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A17001E: title
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A18001E: departmentNumber
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A19001E: roomNumber
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A1C001E: mobile
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A21001E: pager
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A27001E: l
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A29001E: street
kopano/cfg/ldap.propmap/0x3A2A001E: postalCode
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_authentication_method: bind
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_bind_user: @%@ldap/hostdn@%@
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_emailaddress_attribute: mailPrimaryAddress
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_emailaliases_attribute: mailAlternativeAddress
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_group_search_filter: (&(kopanoAccount=1)(objectClass=kopano-group))
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_groupmembers_attribute: uniqueMember
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_groupmembers_attribute_type: dn
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_nonactive_attribute: kopanoSharedStoreOnly
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_quota_multiplier: 1048576
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_search_base: @%@ldap/base@%@
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_sendas_relation_attribute: uidNumber
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_uri: ldap://@%@ldap/server/name@%@:@%@ldap/server/port@%@/
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_user_search_filter: (kopanoAccount=1)
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_user_type_attribute_value: kopano-user
kopano/cfg/ldap/ldap_user_unique_attribute: entryUUID
kopano/cfg/server/createcompany_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/createcompany
kopano/cfg/server/creategroup_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/creategroup
kopano/cfg/server/createuser_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/createuser
kopano/cfg/server/deletecompany_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deletecompany
kopano/cfg/server/deletegroup_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deletegroup
kopano/cfg/server/deleteuser_script: /usr/lib/kopano/userscripts/deleteuser
kopano/cfg/server/local_admin_users: root kopano
kopano/cfg/server/mysql_database: kopano
kopano/cfg/server/mysql_host: localhost
kopano/cfg/server/mysql_port: 3306
kopano/cfg/server/mysql_user: kopanoDbUser
kopano/cfg/server/run_as_group: kopano
kopano/cfg/server/run_as_user: kopano
kopano/cfg/server/server_listen: *:236
kopano/cfg/server/server_listen_tls: *:237
kopano/cfg/server/server_name: mail
kopano/cfg/server/server_ssl_ca_file: /etc/univention/ssl/ucsCA/CAcert.pem
kopano/cfg/server/server_ssl_key_file: /etc/kopano/ssl/server.pem
kopano/cfg/server/sync_gab_realtime: no
kopano/cfg/server/user_plugin: ldap

configuration file:

#Space-separated list of address:port specifiers for where the server should
#listen for connections.

“*:143” — port 143, all protocols

“[::]:143” — port 143 on IPv6 only

“[2001:db8::1]:143” — port 143 on specific address only

#imaps is normally on 993, pop3s on 995.

#pop3_listen = *:110
#Warning: the value “pop3s_listen” has been set via UCR variable “kopano/cfg/gateway/pop3s_listen”
pop3s_listen = *:995
#imap_listen = *:143
#Warning: the value “imaps_listen” has been set via UCR variable “kopano/cfg/gateway/imaps_listen”
imaps_listen = *:993

#Connection to the storage server.
#Please refer to the administrator manual or manpage why HTTP is used rather than the UNIX socket.
#server_socket = http://localhost:236/

#Set this value to a name to show in the logon greeting to clients.
#Leave empty to use DNS to find this name.
#server_hostname =

#Whether to show the hostname in the logon greeting to clients.
#server_hostname_greeting = no

#drop privileges and run the process as this user
#run_as_user = kopano

#drop privileges and run the process as this group
#run_as_group = kopano

#create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
#pid_file = /var/run/kopano/gateway.pid

#run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
#running_path = /var/lib/kopano/empty

#create memory coredumps upon crash [no, systemdefault, yes]
#coredump_enabled = systemdefault

#Only mail folder for IMAP or all subfolders (calendar, contacts, tasks, etc. too)
#imap_only_mailfolders = yes

#Show Public folders for IMAP
#imap_public_folders = yes

#IMAP clients may use IDLE command
#imap_capability_idle = yes

#The maximum size of an email that can be uploaded to the gateway
imap_max_messagesize =40M

#Internally issue the expunge command to directly delete e-mail marked for deletion in IMAP.
#imap_expunge_on_delete = no

#Maximum count of allowed failed IMAP command counts per client
#imap_max_fail_commands = 10

#Some MUAs are sending commands via idle causing the connection
#to reach imap_max_fail_commands and leaves the client in a
#broken state. The clients include Apple Mail. If you experience
#problems or uses Apple Mail set this option to yes
#imap_ignore_command_idle = no

#Disable all plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS is used
#disable_plaintext_auth = no

#File with RSA key for SSL
#Warning: the value “ssl_private_key_file” has been set via UCR variable “kopano/cfg/gateway/ssl_private_key_file”
ssl_private_key_file = /etc/univention/letsencrypt/domain.key

#File with certificate for SSL
#Warning: the value “ssl_certificate_file” has been set via UCR variable “kopano/cfg/gateway/ssl_certificate_file”
ssl_certificate_file = /etc/univention/letsencrypt/signed_chain.crt

#Verify client certificate
#ssl_verify_client = no

#Client verify file and/or path
#ssl_verify_file =
#ssl_verify_path =

#SSL protocols to use, space-separated list of protocols
#(SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2); prefix with ! to lock out a protocol.
#ssl_protocols =

#SSL ciphers to use, set to ‘ALL’ for backward compatibility
#ssl_ciphers = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL

#Prefer the server’s order of SSL ciphers over client’s
#ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = no

#Process model, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
#Processes are potentially safer from a security point of view.
process_model = fork

#For temporary files.
#tmp_path = /tmp

#Whether Gateway should filter HTML messages or not. Usually, WebApp
#takes care of this. Letting the gateways do this improves the user latency a
#bit, but uses more disk space. (yes/no)
#html_safety_filter = no


#Logging method (syslog, file)
#log_method = file

#Loglevel (0(none), 1(crit), 2(err), 3(warn), 4(notice), 5(info), 6(debug))
#log_level = 3

#Logfile for log_method = file, use ‘-’ for stderr
#Default: -
#log_file = /var/log/kopano/gateway.log

#Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in ‘file’ logging mode
#log_timestamp = yes

#Buffer logging in what sized blocks. 0 for line-buffered (syslog-style).
#log_buffer_size = 0

#Bypass authentification when connecting as an administrator to the UNIX socket.
#bypass_auth = no

ok, that looks to be the default version of the most recent app(s). 8.7.1 had the issue that with very large settings blobs these were not properly read back after a restart of the server, which made webapp think there were no settings at all.

This has been fixed in more recent versions available from the Kopano package repository. I’d recommend to upgrade. Afaik you can buy the subscription needed for access to the repo directly from the univention app center.

Hello fbartels,

great work, thanks a lot so far. I’m very happy to have the possible solution. I’ll check back with my superior to see if we can buy a subscription.

Thanks again
Roland Köhler
