HowTo: Set objectClass For An User


Set a missing objectClass for a user

Step 1

Identify the user’s DN i.e. with univention-ldapsearch
univention-ldapsearch -LLL "uid=USER" dn

Step 2

Identify the attributes assigned to the objectClass in question (here: univentionPasswordSelfService):

rootqmaster:~# udm settings/extended_attribute list --filter objectClass=univentionPasswordSelfService| grep CLIName
  CLIName: PasswordRecoveryEmail
  CLIName: PasswordRecoveryMobile

Step 3

Select one of the attributes and set it through udm by assigning a value:

udm users/user modify --dn uid=user1,dc=multi,dc=ucs --set PasswordRecoveryEmail=foo@bar

This will set the objectClasss autmatically which can be verified by univention-ldapsearch:
univention-ldapsearch uid=user1 objectClass