Connection refused (Univention DC Master 4.4-8)

So a few weeks ago I did a little housecleaning and uninstalled ox, ox documents and ox guard from the system, and also updated some apps before doing a reboot.
Under normal circumstances, I would have done a snapshot of the whole vm, but of some reason I was trying to do three or four jobs at a time and lost my procedures.
Anyway, as the system rebooted, the web interface failed to load, as well as rocket chat and next cloud.

I really haven’t done much trouble shooting on the UCS installation, so I have no idea where to start.
I’ve spend a few hours trying to find a solution here, but no luck so far.
I am able to gain access through the console and ssh.

I hope someone can help me. :slight_smile:

look like ox uninstall did not clear the apache2 sites

check if the webserver is running with systemctl status apache2.service


Hi Christian.

Apache failed to start:
Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/proxy_http_ox_130_facade.conf: No such fi

so look if this conf file is available under /etc/apache2/conf-available/ and then execute a2dissite proxy_ox_130_facade.conf
and start apache again


/etc/apache2/conf-available# ls
charset.conf security.conf univention-system-setup.conf
localized-error-pages.conf serve-cgi-bin.conf univention-web.conf
other-vhosts-access-log.conf simplesamlphp.conf
php7.0-cgi.conf ucs.conf

That’s all I got, no such files as proxy_ox_130_facade.conf

ok so try a2dissite proxy_ox_130_facade.conf if this does not work you’ll have to look into the enablied sites configs for an include statement and remove it


Didn’t work, so I am trying to figure out which conf file included the statement, is there any smart way to find it?

grep --include=*.conf -rnw ‘/etc/apache2/’ -e “proxy_ox_130_facade.conf”


grep -rnw ‘/etc/apache2/’ -e “proxy_ox_130_facade.conf”

returned nothing

Ah, I found the issue:
The folder /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/ contained a broken symlink to proxy_ox_130_facade.conf that was degraded when I uninstalled ox.
I deleted the link, and restarted apache with service apache2 restart and now I have login again. :slight_smile:
Thank you externa1 to lead me in the right direction.

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