Openprojekt deinstallieren

Hallo Thomas,

[quote=“thhoe”]Guten Tag,
die Installation von openprojekt hat bei mir nicht funktioniert. Die Festplatte ist voll.
Im App-Center wird aber angezeigt das es installiert ist, und im Modul “Domänenbeitritt” das das Script 50openprojekt ausstehend ist.


Wie kann ich openprojekt wieder komplett löschen?



Wenn das Problem eine volle Festplatte ist, dann funktioniert die Deinstallation einer App trotzdem nicht, wenn es sich um eine Docker App handelt (das ist bei OpenProject der Fall). Denn der Docker-Container wird vorsichtshalber gesichert, bevor die Deinstallation weiterläuft.

Das kann man über die Management Console nicht ausschalten. Aber im Terminal sollte das klappen:

univention-app remove openproject --do-not-backup

Vielleicht sollte aber zuvor einmal

docker images

ausgeführt werden. Vielleicht liegen da jede Menge ungenutzter Docker-Images? Insbesondere Backup-Container? Mit

docker rmi ...

könnte man die löschen.

Hallo Sascha,

das ist streng genommen ein anderes Problem, auch wenn es auch bei der Installation auftritt.

Wenn die Installation nicht erfolgreich ist, wird der Container wieder entfernt. Danach wird ein etwaiges “Unjoin” Skript ausgeführt. Das ist bei OpenProject etwas zu streng, denn es bricht offenbar ab, wenn es ein bestimmtes LDAP-Objekt nicht löschen kann. Das wurde aber nie angelegt, denn die Installation lief ja nicht durch. Bis wir das auf unserer Seite lösen, kann man hier aber getrost

rm /usr/lib/univention-install/51openproject-uninstall.uinst


Die interessantere Frage ist, warum die Installation schief läuft. Ich kann von hier aus leider nicht genau sagen, was die Ursache ist. In den Logs sieht man:

Calling docker exec db2840373ac3af03d1c4216f6be3da4da4951931c6108f4cbe39048aca5c5379 /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup --username Administrator --password-file /tmp/tmp.OBXRxy2Omn --app openproject --app-version 5.0.17 --error-file /tmp/tmp.kR4fmRk3jb
cp: cannot stat `/tmp/tmp.OBXRxy2Omn': No such file or directory

Die Datei /tmp/tmp.OBXRxy2Omn soll das Passwort des Administrators beinhalten. Die Datei wurde sicher auch angelegt, denn nur so kann dieser Name übergeben worden sein. Aber offenbar ist es mittlerweile gelöscht worden. Ich weiß leider nicht, warum. Besteht das Problem denn weiterhin?


hänge mich mal hier dran…habe exakt das selbe Problem.
Festplatte war bei mir zwar nicht voll, aber die Installation von OpenProjekt schlug hier trotzdem fehl.

[code]univention-run-join-scripts started
Mi 9. Nov 18:26:46 CET 2016


Mi 9. Nov 18:26:48 CET 2016
univention-run-join-scripts finished

Leider auch keine Neuinstallation mehr möglich:

6 Fehler sind aufgetreten:

cp: cannot stat `/tmp/tmp.OBXRxy2Omn': No such file or directory
Something went wrong while joining the system
Something went wrong while joining the system
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/tmp.OBXRxy2Omn': No such file or directory
Setup script failed!

Danke Euch!

liebe Grüße


Viele Grüße
Dirk Wiesenthal


nein, geht leider noch nicht:

29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:58 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:58 [ INFO]: Reloading web server config: apache2.
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 10
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 15
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Registering the container host openproject-1478766539083702 for openproject
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 20
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Downloading app image
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Initializing app image
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Finding all configuration options for openproject
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Preconfiguring container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Calling start
29494 actions.start.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject start
29938 apps 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 226 apps from cache
29938 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
29938 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: 0
29938 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/openproject/container
29938 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: 100
30031 apps 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 226 apps from cache
30031 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
30031 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 0
30031 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/openproject/ip
30031 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: Starting openproject Container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f …
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject returned with 0
29494 actions.start.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Copying /etc/timezone into container
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Copying /etc/localtime into container
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
29494 actions.configure.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f which ucr
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: /usr/sbin/ucr
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: Setting registry variables for openproject
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f ucr set update/secure_apt=no repository/app_center/ server/role=memberserver repository/online/server= ldap/hostdn=cn=openproject-1478766539083702,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=pvqm,dc=de ‘updater/identify=Docker App’ ldap/ nameserver/external=false locale/default=de_DE.UTF-8:UTF-8 nameserver1= docker/host/ locale=de_DE.UTF-8:UTF-8 nameserver/option/timeout=2 ldap/master/port=7389 update/warning/releasenotes=no locale/keymap=de-latin1-nodeadkeys
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:02 [ INFO]: Generating locales (this might take a while)…
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:03 [ INFO]: de_DE.UTF-8… done
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:03 [ INFO]: Generation complete.
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting update/secure_apt
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create repository/app_center/server
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting server/role
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting repository/online/server
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create ldap/hostdn
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create updater/identify
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create ldap/master
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create nameserver/external
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create locale/default
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting nameserver1
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting domainname
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create docker/host/name
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting locale
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting nameserver/option/timeout
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting ldap/master/port
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create update/warning/releasenotes
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create locale/keymap
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/welcome.msg
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualwithcanonical
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/default/locale
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/issue
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/hosts
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/locale.gen
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/cron.d/univention-directory-policy
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/default/ntpdate
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/setup-certificate.xml
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.saslusermapping
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/ntp.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/pam.d/smtp
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/pam_ldap.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/krb5.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/resolv.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20secureapt
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalsender
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalrecipient
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.transport
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15_ucs-online-version.list
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualdomains
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.distlist
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.groups
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/mailname
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/profile
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderremote
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/runit/univention-directory-listener/run
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/mirror.list
29494 actions.configure.progress 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: 50
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for openproject
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_before_setup --app openproject --app-version 5.0.17 --error-file /tmp/tmp.x9nVUxwQbL
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore forced UCR layer:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore ldap UCR layer
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore normal UCR layer:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.x9nVUxwQbL
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Executing interface setup for openproject
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup --username Administrator --password-file /tmp/tmp.ZjBexbwJuK --app openproject --app-version 5.0.17 --error-file /tmp/tmp.Kk5gJPePdF
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Joining
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: univention-join: joins a computer to an ucs domain
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: copyright © 2001-2015 Univention GmbH, Germany
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Search DC Master: done
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: Check DC Master:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Join failed! *
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Contact your system administrator *
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Message: ssh-login for failed. Maybe you entered a wrong password.
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Something went wrong while joining the system
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Something went wrong while joining the system

29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.ZjBexbwJuK
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.Kk5gJPePdF
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Setup script failed!
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Aborting…
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: Going to remove OpenProject (5.0.17)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/openproject_20160427.prerm does not exist
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: 5
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: 45
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-openproject remove
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject …
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc0.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc1.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc2.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc3.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc4.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc5.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc6.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:25 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:25 [ INFO]: Reloading web server config: apache2.
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 60
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 70
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 80
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/openproject_20160427.uinst
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: copyright © 2001-2016 Univention GmbH, Germany
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-passwordchange.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 38univention-management-console-module-oxldb.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 44univention-management-console-system-info.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 65univention-ox.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 66univention-ox-usm-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 67univention-mail-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-mail-cyrus.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 91univention-saml.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ INFO]: Running 51openproject-uninstall.uinst failed (exitcode: 3)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Checking openproject=5.0.17
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: install openproject: 401
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Checking openproject=5.0.17
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100[/code]

Ich denke, dass das Problem [quote]ssh-login for failed. Maybe you entered a wrong password[/quote] sein müsste.
ssh geht doch nur mit root, nicht mit Administrator meines Wissens…

liebe Grüße

Sascha Zucca


Das ist es. Um Platz zu schaffen hatte ich alle Container gelöscht. Damit kann natürlich nichts mehr gesichert werden.

univention-app remove openproject --do-not-backup

Hat funktioniert. Ich musste nur noch einmal alle ausstehenden Join-Scripte ausführen, was diesmal ohne Fehler ging.

Vielen Dank,


Für mich gibt’s keine Hoffnung? :wink:


openproject lässt sich bei uns noch immer nicht installieren.
Wer hilft uns da?



nein, geht leider noch nicht:

29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:58 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:58 [ INFO]: Reloading web server config: apache2.
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 10
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 15
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Registering the container host openproject-1478766539083702 for openproject
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 20
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Downloading app image
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Initializing app image
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Finding all configuration options for openproject
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ INFO]: Preconfiguring container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Calling start
29494 actions.start.progress 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:28:59 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject start
29938 apps 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 226 apps from cache
29938 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
29938 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: 0
29938 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/openproject/container
29938 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:00 [ DEBUG]: 100
30031 apps 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Loaded 226 apps from cache
30031 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling get
30031 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 0
30031 actions.get 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: appcenter/apps/openproject/ip
30031 actions.get.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: Starting openproject Container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f …
29494 actions.start 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject returned with 0
29494 actions.start.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Copying /etc/timezone into container
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Copying /etc/localtime into container
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling configure
29494 actions.configure.progress 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f which ucr
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: /usr/sbin/ucr
29494 actions.configure 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ INFO]: Setting registry variables for openproject
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:01 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f ucr set update/secure_apt=no repository/app_center/ server/role=memberserver repository/online/server= ldap/hostdn=cn=openproject-1478766539083702,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,dc=pvqm,dc=de ‘updater/identify=Docker App’ ldap/ nameserver/external=false locale/default=de_DE.UTF-8:UTF-8 nameserver1= docker/host/ locale=de_DE.UTF-8:UTF-8 nameserver/option/timeout=2 ldap/master/port=7389 update/warning/releasenotes=no locale/keymap=de-latin1-nodeadkeys
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:02 [ INFO]: Generating locales (this might take a while)…
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:03 [ INFO]: de_DE.UTF-8… done
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:03 [ INFO]: Generation complete.
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting update/secure_apt
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create repository/app_center/server
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting server/role
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting repository/online/server
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create ldap/hostdn
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create updater/identify
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create ldap/master
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create nameserver/external
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create locale/default
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting nameserver1
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting domainname
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create docker/host/name
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting locale
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting nameserver/option/timeout
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Setting ldap/master/port
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create update/warning/releasenotes
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Create locale/keymap
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/welcome.msg
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualwithcanonical
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/default/locale
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/issue
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/hosts
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtual
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/locale.gen
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/cron.d/univention-directory-policy
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/default/ntpdate
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /usr/share/univention-management-console/modules/setup-certificate.xml
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.saslusermapping
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/ntp.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/pam.d/smtp
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/pam_ldap.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/krb5.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/resolv.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20secureapt
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalsender
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.canonicalrecipient
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.transport
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/55user_agent
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15_ucs-online-version.list
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.virtualdomains
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.distlist
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.groups
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderlocal
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/mailname
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/profile
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Multifile: /etc/postfix/ldap.sharedfolderremote
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/runit/univention-directory-listener/run
29494 actions.configure.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: File: /etc/apt/mirror.list
29494 actions.configure.progress 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: 50
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for openproject
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/restore_data_before_setup --app openproject --app-version 5.0.17 --error-file /tmp/tmp.x9nVUxwQbL
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore forced UCR layer:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore ldap UCR layer
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:07 [ INFO]: ** Restore normal UCR layer:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.x9nVUxwQbL
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Executing interface setup for openproject
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup --username Administrator --password-file /tmp/tmp.ZjBexbwJuK --app openproject --app-version 5.0.17 --error-file /tmp/tmp.Kk5gJPePdF
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Joining
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: univention-join: joins a computer to an ucs domain
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: copyright © 2001-2015 Univention GmbH, Germany
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:08 [ INFO]: Search DC Master: done
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: Check DC Master:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Join failed! *
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Contact your system administrator *
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: * Message: ssh-login for failed. Maybe you entered a wrong password.
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: **************************************************************************
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Something went wrong while joining the system
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Something went wrong while joining the system

29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.ZjBexbwJuK
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Using container.92f1 for container 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f
29494 actions.install.container.92f1 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling docker exec 92f144e8917406278b1cff21ae4a1c88e2e5616ac3c800ec1444d9dacded1b3f rm /tmp/tmp.Kk5gJPePdF
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Setup script failed!
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ WARNING]: Aborting…
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling remove
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ INFO]: Going to remove OpenProject (5.0.17)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: Calling prescript (prerm)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: /var/cache/univention-appcenter/openproject_20160427.prerm does not exist
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:13 [ DEBUG]: 5
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: 45
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/update-rc.d docker-app-openproject remove
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/docker-app-openproject …
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc0.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc1.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc2.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc3.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc4.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc5.d/S41docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: /etc/rc6.d/K14docker-app-openproject
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d returned with 0
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:24 [ INFO]: Removing localhost from LDAP object
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:25 [ DEBUG]: Calling /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:25 [ INFO]: Reloading web server config: apache2.
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: /etc/init.d/apache2 returned with 0
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 60
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 70
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: 80
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/openproject_20160427.uinst
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ DEBUG]: Calling /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: copyright © 2001-2016 Univention GmbH, Germany
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]:
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 02univention-directory-notifier.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 03univention-directory-listener.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 04univention-ldap-client.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 05univention-bind.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 08univention-apache.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 10univention-ldap-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-heimdal-init.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 11univention-pam.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-directory-notifier-post.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 15univention-heimdal-kdc.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:26 [ INFO]: Running 18python-univention-directory-manager.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-directory-policy.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 20univention-join.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 26univention-nagios-common.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 30univention-nagios-client.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 34univention-management-console-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-appcenter-docker.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-appcenter.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-diagnostic.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ipchange.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-join.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-lib.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-mrtg.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-passwordchange.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-quota.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-reboot.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-services.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-setup.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-sysinfo.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-top.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-ucr.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 35univention-management-console-module-updater.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 36univention-management-console-module-apps.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 38univention-management-console-module-oxldb.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 40univention-virtual-machine-manager-schema.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 44univention-management-console-system-info.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 65univention-ox.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 66univention-ox-usm-udm.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 67univention-mail-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-mail-cyrus.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 81univention-nfs-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 90univention-bind-post.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 91univention-saml.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 92univention-management-console-web-server.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:27 [ INFO]: Running 98univention-pkgdb-tools.inst skipped (already executed)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ INFO]: Running 51openproject-uninstall.uinst failed (exitcode: 3)
29494 actions.remove 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: /usr/sbin/univention-run-join-scripts returned with 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Checking openproject=5.0.17
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.remove.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: install openproject: 401
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Calling upgrade-search
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 0
29494 actions.upgrade-search 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: Checking openproject=5.0.17
29494 actions.upgrade-search.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100
29494 actions.install.progress 16-11-10 09:29:29 [ DEBUG]: 100[/code]

Ich denke, dass das Problem [quote]ssh-login for failed. Maybe you entered a wrong password[/quote] sein müsste.
ssh geht doch nur mit root, nicht mit Administrator meines Wissens…

liebe Grüße

Sascha Zucca[/quote]


ich versuch’s mal.

ssh Logins laufen über PAM. root, Domain Admins und Maschinenkontos dürfen standardmäßig ssh nutzen. Administrator sollte also eigentlich gehen.

Was genau schief läuft, weiß ich von hier aus nicht.

Ist der DC Master (und ein UCS System)? Geht denn von der Maschine aus, auf der die App installiert werden soll, ssh

Wenn nein, ist es ein grundsätzliches Problem. Z.B. läuft SSH nicht oder der Account Administrator wurde gesperrt.
Wenn ja, liegt es irgendwie am Container.

Dafür einmal folgendes machen:

univention-app install openproject --do-not-revert
univention-app shell openproject

Was gibt das zurück? Wenn das klappt, klappt dann etwa auch ein


Viele Grüße
Dirk Wiesenthal

Hi Dirk,

[quote]Ist der DC Master (und ein UCS System)? Geht denn von der Maschine aus, auf der die App installiert werden soll, ssh
Wenn nein, ist es ein grundsätzliches Problem. Z.B. läuft SSH nicht oder der Account Administrator wurde gesperrt.[/quote]

klappt nicht…
Beim ersten Versuch noch:

ssh The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password: Permission denied, please try again.

nach Abbruch scheint der User Administrator geblockt zu sein, denn die Passwortabfrage erscheint nicht mehr.



Hilft dieser Link ggf. weiter? Es scheint ja nur der Administrator nicht freigeschaltet zu sein, das müsste zu beheben sein.
[url]Ssh login AD Nutzer mit putty]

Oh Mann…
Ich glaube ich hab’s…
In der sshd_config steht

AllowUsers root

Hat das der Kunde da rein gefummelt, oder ist das bei UCS Standard?
Ergäbe ja gar keinen Sinn…
Jedenfalls ist dann auch diese Fehlermeldung logisch:

Dec 1 09:11:24 oxae sshd[7654]: User Administrator from not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers Dec 1 09:11:24 oxae sshd[7654]: input_userauth_request: invalid user Administrator [preauth] Dec 1 09:11:33 oxae sshd[7654]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= user=Administrator Dec 1 09:11:33 oxae sshd[7654]: pam_krb5(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname=Administrator uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= Dec 1 09:11:33 oxae sshd[7654]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=foo,dc=bar" (Invalid credentials) Dec 1 09:11:36 oxae sshd[7654]: Failed password for invalid user Administrator from port 43858 ssh2

Ich teste mal…

liebe Grüße und Danke!


ok… wir verlassen ein wenig das ursprüngliche Problem…
openproject ist nun installiert, aber die Seite kommt nicht:

Proxy Error
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /openproject/.

Reason: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server

Apache/2.2.22 (Univention) Server at Port 443

ohne https:

[code]Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /openproject/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

Apache/2.2.22 (Univention) Server at Port 80[/code]

hat noch mal jemand eine Idee?

Hallo Sascha,

was steht denn in der /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default ?
Kann die dort hinterlegte Adresse für Openproject von der Maschine aus erreicht werden ?


hm, naja, 40000 und 40001 sind jedenfalls nirgendwo geblockt…

in der error.log erscheint

Thu Dec 08 17:03:35 2016] [error] (502)Unknown error 502: proxy: pass request body failed to ( [Thu Dec 08 17:03:35 2016] [error] [client] proxy: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned by /openproject/, referer: [Thu Dec 08 17:03:35 2016] [error] proxy: pass request body failed to ( from

telnet 40001 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. Connection closed by foreign host.

hilft das?


Nur eine kleine Idee, aber magst du mal testweise “SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Off” bei dem Virtualhost in der /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl eintragen ?


Hi gute Idee,
aber klappt trotzdem nicht…
Schon komisch, läuft denn OpenProject bei irgendwem, oder bin ich einfach der einzige der es versucht?


Also ich hatte es Freitag testweise mal in einer VM installiert und da lief es, ich konnte zumindest die Weboberfläche erreichen.
Ich werde mal schauen ob mir da noch was einfällt.

Magst du in der Zwischenzeit mal bitte nachschauen was für Prozesse in dem Docker-Container von Openproject laufen ?
Einfach mal auf der Shell
“docker exec -it ps aufx”
(Die ID kann man über “docker ps” rausbekommen).
Es sollte dort mind. ein unicorn master Prozess und ein worker laufen, sowie ein apache2 und ein mysql Prozess.



danke für deine Mühe, hier die Augaben:

docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 9743b3a6a283 "/sbin/init" 11 days ago Up 10 days>80/tcp,>443/tcp silly_yonath

docker exec -it 9743b3a6a283 ps aufx USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 5359 0.0 0.0 6892 592 ? Rs+ 13:55 0:00 ps aufx root 1 0.0 0.0 10668 1680 ? Ss Dec01 0:11 init [2] root 1277 0.0 0.0 196 40 ? S Dec01 0:11 runsvdir -P /etc/service log: .............................................................................................................................................. root 1285 0.0 0.0 44468 2632 ? Sl Dec01 0:22 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -c5 root 1300 0.0 0.0 99304 1792 ? Ssl Dec01 0:02 /usr/sbin/nscd root 1315 0.0 0.0 10452 1764 ? Ss Dec01 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd root 1404 0.0 0.0 36160 3756 ? Ss Dec01 0:03 /usr/lib/postfix/master postfix 1412 0.0 0.0 38276 3960 ? S Dec01 0:00 _ qmgr -l -t fifo -u postfix 5358 0.0 0.0 38224 3572 ? S 13:52 0:00 _ pickup -l -t fifo -u daemon 1454 0.0 0.0 16676 140 ? Ss Dec01 0:00 /usr/sbin/atd root 1476 0.0 0.0 12004 1884 ? Ss Dec01 0:06 /usr/sbin/cron

liebe Grüße


Ok, das sieht aus als würde Openproject nicht laufen.

Verbinde dich bitte mal per “docker exec -it 9743b3a6a283 /bin/bash” mit dem Container und
starte per
“service apache2 restart” und
“service openproject restart”
den Apche2- und Openproject-Server neu.

Wenn der nicht hochkommt bitte mal die Logs in “/var/log/openproject” und “/var/log/apache2” (in dem Container) sichten.



wenn Du mich fragst ist das ganze Ding überhaupt noch gar nicht installiert…

service apache2 restart apache2: unrecognized service

openproject gibt es auch nicht…

Lass mich doch mal alles wieder komplett entfernen und neu installieren vielleicht.
Am liebsten würde ich das direkt in der CLI machen, kannst Du mir sagen wie?


Ok dann hätte ich hier einen weg du du probieren köntest, aber bitte vorher testen, nicht das du dir eine produktive Maschine zerstörst.

Ich würde mal versuchen openproject per “univention-app remove openproject” zu deinstallieren und danach mal mit “find / -name 'openproject” schauen was noch so an Dateien / Backups von openproject existiert und da ggf. welche von löschen. Hier bitte vorsichtig sein, nicht das du dir da was mit kaputt machst, aber ich denke mal das du Sachen mit “backup” im Namen löschen kannst. Die radikale Lösung wäre per “find / -name ‘openproject’ -exec rm -r {} ;” gleich ALLE Dateien mit openproject im Namen zu löschen, das ist aber potentiell SEHR GEFÄHRLICH!

Anschließend mit “docker rmi $(docker images | grep appcenter-backup-openproject | awk {‘print $3’})” das automatische Backup entfernen und falls keine weitere Docker-App installiert ist auch mal per “docker rmi $(docker images | grep | awk {‘print $3’})”
die Appbox wegwerfen.

Am Ende kannst du dann ja per “univention-app update && univention-app install openproject” Openproject neu installieren.

Bei mir haben diese Schritte funktioniert, aber nochmal: Teste es bitte vorher! (ich habe mit dem entfernen aller openproject -Dateien auch .ini Dateien des Appcenters gelöscht was zu Problemen beim Install führte)

